- 1. Renege on one's promise.
- 违背诺言,破坏约定,食言。
- 2. If you renege again, I am going to gut you.
- 如果你再食言,我会挖出你的内脏!
- 3. Any more colourful candidate could renege on a deal.
- 任何不同政见的候选人都可能就此交易而报复。
- 4. You said you'd COME, why did you renege on your promise?
- 你说你要来的,为什么要背信弃义?
- 5. It says firmly that the EU must not renege on its promise.
- 报告非常坚定地声称欧盟一定不会食言。
- 6. You will almost surely have to renege on some of these promises.
- 你却几乎必 然将违背你的一些诺言。
- 7. The simplest two questions, answer immediately to 50, not renege.
- 最简单的两个问题,答对马上给50,绝不食言。
- 8. But the present, I could not but tenacious renege on a promise for oneself initial that.
- 可现在,我不得不为自己最初的那份固执而反悔了。
- 9. It would be less dangerous to break into Gringotts than to renege on a promise to a goblin.
- 对一个妖精食言要比闯进古灵阁更危险。
- 10. You are best to do what you say this week. Anything that you renege on will be held against you.
- 金牛座:本周最好说到做到,任何食言都对你不利。
- 11. Verbal offers 'mean you really have nothing to stand on because the employer can renege, ' he says.
- 他说,口头邀请意味着你实际上没什么可以依据,因为雇主可以反悔。
- 12. For one thing history tells us that the Republican Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.
- 首先,历史告诉我们,共和党一有机会就会单方面背弃任何协定。
- 13. For one thing, history tells us that the Republican Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.
- 首先,历史告诉我们,共和党一有机会就会单方面背弃任何协定。
- 14. Parents do promise to buy something and then renege, impose unrealistic expectations, or blame the kids for something they didn't do.
- 父母亲答应给孩子购买的东西却出尔反尔不购买了,或者强加给孩子一些不切实际的期望,或者因为孩子做错事而不停地唠叨责怪孩子。
- 15. Should they (Germany) renege on that commitment, it would open the door to speculation of which member would next be thrown overboard.
- 一旦他们(德国)食言,则市场将开始拽测下一个被抛弃的成员是谁。
- 16. Don't borrow more money, in other words; renege... walk away... Be of good cheer, knowing that lenders will suffer the losses they deserve.
- 换句话说,不要再借贷更多的资金了。违约…然后走开…不要垂头丧气,坦然接受贷款人将承受应得损失这个事实。
- 17. Few would opt to renege on their mortgage if the equity gap were below 10% of their home's value, the authors find, partly because of the costs of moving.
- 该研究的作者发现,如果还贷缺口在房屋价值的10%以内,几乎没人会选择贷款违约,一部分原因是搬迁费用不低。
- 18. When people feel that a deal is fair, they are more likely to agree to it, less likely to renege on it, and more likely to come to the table in the future.
- 当人们认为交易是公平的,他们就更容易接受这场交易,而不太可能违背约定,也更有可能在将来进行进一步的谈判。
- 19. The country has defaulted on its external debt and had to renege on a $29m interest coupon of its eurobond of $2.3 billion, which had already been restructured twice.
- 象牙海岸的外债已经违约;时它23亿美元的欧洲债券的2900万票息也不得不违约,这些债券已重组过两次。
- 20. As a result, the structure of banking was seriously weakened, and in 1814 a run on Banks forced most to renege on their legal obligations to exchange notes for specie.
- 结果,银行业的结构严重削弱,而1814年的银行挤兑迫使大多数银行背弃自己的法定义务,拒绝将银行券兑换成金银。
- 21. Mr Obama may either have to renege on his promise to slash the deficit to 3% of GDP in 2013 from more than 12% now, rein in his spending promises or raise taxes more.
- 奥巴马要么得违背自己于2013年将财政赤字从现在的超过GDP的12%降低到3%的承诺,控制开销;要么增加税收。
- 22. The dispute over the rejected cargoes has been complicated by charges that Chinese soybean crushers have been using the fungicide issue as a way to renege on high-priced contracts.
- 中国大豆压榨商受到指责称它们一直在使用“杀真菌剂”问题作为拒绝履行高价合同的手段有关拒收货物的争论因而被复杂化。
- 23. On December 15th the party's leaders appeared to renege on their hasty promise, saying they would support the new state's creation only once the assembly in Hyderabad had approved it.
- 12月15日,国大党领导人表示,只有海德拉巴议会批准泰区设邦,他们才会予以支持,这看起来是对其过快承诺反悔了。
- 24. On December 15th the party's leaders appeared to renege on their hasty promise, saying they would support the new state's creation only once the assembly in Hyderabad had approved it.
- 12月15日,国大党领导人表示,只有海德拉巴议会批准泰区设邦,他们才会予以支持,这看起来是对其过快承诺反悔了。