- 1. The challenge will be to simulate these reformable bonds in man-made adhesives.
- 这些挑战将被改造模拟债券人造粘合剂。
- 2. Quartz grain surface textures in coastal dune sand which is mainly derived from beach sand have features characteristic of both typical aeolian environment and inheritable and reformable beach sand.
- 本文通过对广东和海南海岸沙丘砂石英颗粒的扫描电镜分析,认为其表面结构特征,既具有典型的风成环境特征。
- 3. Quartz grain surface textures in coastal dune sand which is mainly derived from beach sand have features characteristic of both typical aeolian environment and inheritable and reformable beach sand.
- 本文通过对广东和海南海岸沙丘砂石英颗粒的扫描电镜分析,认为其表面结构特征,既具有典型的风成环境特征。