- 1. He can be paroled during prison time if he is not a recipist.
- 如果他不是累犯的话,在服刑期间有可能被假释。
- 2. This dissertation is the research of unit recipist on theory.
- 本文是从理论上对单位累犯所作的研究。
- 3. Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recipist.
- 刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。
- 4. The second hot spot of recipist system is the recipism constituted by the minor.
- 同样,笔者对当前学术界对未成年人是否构成累犯的“肯定说”与“否定说”进行了评析。
- 5. Seeing containsundries store at village end, the recipist put forward to buy a of pack cigarette.
- 见村头有家杂货店,犯人提出要进去买包香烟。
- 6. The principal of retribution prior to utility is the theoretical basis of our modern regulation of recipist.
- 报应优先、兼顾功利,应是我国现代累犯制度应然的理论归依。
- 7. With the reasonable analysis of the "three strike-outs" system for the recipist, the present writer thinks t.
- 通过对累犯“三振出局”制度的理性分析,其存在的正当性根据值得推敲。
- 8. On this basis, I think set up theoretical foundation, recipist of system social harmfulness foundation personal dangerous.
- 在此基础上,笔者认为设立累犯制度的理论依据是社会危害性基础上的人身危险性。
- 9. The regulation of recipist has long history. Its realistic basis is the existence of committing crime again in human society.
- 累犯制度作为一项源远流长的刑罚制度,其设立的现实依据,就在于人类社会重新犯罪现象的存在。
- 10. A recipist demonstrates his tattoos while his cellmates give a coarse laugh. The corrective labor colony in Kovrov (240 km from Moscow), 1993.
- 1993年,科夫洛夫劳改队(距莫斯科240公里),一位惯犯正展示他的纹身,同牢房的狱友们发出阵阵低俗的坏笑。
- 11. The current one, Steve Cooley, has other ideas about Three Strikes, which he values as a “powerful recipist tool” but also considers “draconian”.
- 如今的检察官,史蒂夫·库利不怎么赞同三振出局法,他认为虽然它能“有力地打击惯犯”,但同时“过于严酷”。
- 12. In the different periods of the historical evolution of punishment, the fundamental theories based on the regulation of recipist are different.
- 在刑罚进化的不同历史时期,累犯制度设立的理论根据也各有不同。
- 13. Section 1 demonstrates the possibility to establish the unit recipist, Including the unit crime system to lay foundation for the unit recipist etc.
- 第二章分为三节,第一节从单位能够成为犯罪主体为单位累犯的设置奠定了基础等方面阐明了增设单位累犯的可行性;
- 14. This part also analyses and evaluates those different opinions about the basis of the principle of heavier punishment for recipist, and offers its own views.
- 该部分还针对学界关于累犯从重处罚之依据的不同认识进行了分析和评价,并提出了自己的观点。
- 15. With an attempt to demonstrate the responsibility evidence of recipist punishment, the author points out that its only foundation is the commitment of crime.
- 确定累犯刑事责任根据的唯一基础应是犯罪构成。
- 16. However there are some shortages on the following aspects such as applying range of recipist, type setting of recipist, punishment principle of recipist and so on.
- 但在累犯的适用范围、类型设置、处罚原则等方面仍然存在一些不足,需要从立法方面加以完善,以期能最大限度地促进立法公正和公平。
- 17. With convenient access to education and job retraining, they are able to survive by themselves, greatly reducing the chance of becoming a recipist in times when they are financially challenged.
- 教育和就业培训能够让他们在日后的生活中靠自己生存下去,而不至于因为没有收入来源而再次误入歧途。
- 18. With convenient access to education and job retraining, they are able to survive by themselves, greatly reducing the chance of becoming a recipist in times when they are financially challenged.
- 教育和就业培训能够让他们在日后的生活中靠自己生存下去,而不至于因为没有收入来源而再次误入歧途。