- 1. What is she rambling on about now?
- 她现在又在东拉西扯些什么呀?
- 2. We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.
- 我们花了一个夏天漫游爱尔兰。
- 3. Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.
- 花儿已经凋谢了的时候,修剪那些凌乱的蔷薇。
- 4. His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.
- 他的行动伴随着一串冗长含糊的独白。
- 5. He spoke well to begin with, but then started rambling and repeating himself.
- 开始他说得很好,但是后来开始闲扯,一句话翻来覆去地讲。
- 6. In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus—On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes.
- 在1337年,彼特拉克开始撰写杂文《论名人》,主要突出古典英雄的美德。
- 7. You must be hungry, rambling about all night!
- 你荡了一整夜,一定饿了!
- 8. It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.
- 在布局凌乱的大房子里容易迷路。
- 9. They spent the morning rambling woodland paths.
- 他们整个上午都在林中小径上漫步。
- 10. My holiday afternoons were spent in rambling about the surrounding country.
- 每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。
- 11. Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question.
- OdaMaeBrown:我没有不着边际地说话。我只是在回答一个问题。
- 12. Instead, Ellison delivered a OpenWorld keynote that many found to be rambling.
- 相反,埃里森发表了一篇在许多人看来有点漫无边际的主旨演讲。
- 13. Suddenly, the story becomes a rambling psychological study of the author himself.
- 忽然,小说开始进行作者自身心理的研究,且此内容漫无边际。
- 14. Mr Chávez gave a long, rambling speech in which he struggled to animate the crowd.
- 查维兹先生发表了一篇超长的杂乱无边的演讲,其间他则浑身解数地想要调动听众的兴趣。
- 15. I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife's duties.
- 我希望有这样一个老婆,她不会喋喋不休地抱怨做妻子的义务来烦扰我。
- 16. Don't make them struggle to get answers out of you or make sense of your rambling replies.
- 别让他们绞尽脑汁才能明白你的答案或者理解你散漫的回答。
- 17. They found a home on YouTube, among clips of rambling teenagers and off-message politicians.
- MV混杂于一堆短片中,在Youtube上找到了落脚处,这些短片上传者或是东摇西逛的年轻人,或是口是心非的政客。
- 18. But, tired of playing, he had desultorily come round the fence, and was rambling up behind her.
- 可是,他已经弹得累了,就漫无目的地绕过树篱,慢慢向她身后走来。
- 19. This is a quirky, rambling book, full of lengthy detours and leisurely trips down blind alleys.
- 这是一本光怪陆离而又散漫无边的书,充满着许多漫长迂回的远路和从容不迫而通向死胡同的旅程。
- 20. You shouldn't write too long and rambling emails. But you shouldn't write too short emails either.
- 你不能写太长和离题的邮件,但你也不能把它写的太短。
- 21. Critics accused him of being rambling, repetitious, sometimes incoherent and lazily autobiographical.
- 评论家指责他文风冗长含糊且反复,批评他时有的语无伦次和怠惰的自传体风格。
- 22. Diggi Palace, a faded rambling pile built in the 1860s as a grand town house for a rural Rajasthan ruler.
- 迪吉宫是拉贾斯坦邦长于19世纪60年代建造的宏伟宅邸,如今已衰败为一片散乱的院落。
- 23. A rambling note wastes the hiring manager's time, and it can suggest that you lack the confidence of conciseness.
- 冗长的感谢条会浪费招聘经理的时间并会显示出你缺乏简明。
- 24. Most days are spent rambling around the rocky island and drinking coffee, his favorite French Market brand with chicory.
- 大多数日子里,他都是在小石岛的各个角落里漫步或者一个人静静的坐着喝咖啡,他最爱的牌子是法国产的包装上印有菊苣的咖啡。
- 25. His rambling, unwholesome thoughts were halted for a while, but presently regained their vigor and raced after the woman.
- 他散漫无益的思绪刚停了一小会儿,又开始奋力向那女人的追去。
- 26. That day he found two sacks, which he took to the rambling wooden factory and sold to the man in charge of packing nails.
- 那天,他找了两条麻袋,拿到杂乱的木材厂,卖给为钉子装袋的人。
- 27. After a blood-soaked week of unrest, Libya’s leader delivered a rambling, hectoring, fist-pounding speech on February 22nd.
- 在经历了血腥动荡的一周之后,2月22日,利比亚的领导者发表了一份混乱并带有恐吓打击之意的演说。
- 28. Pruning rambling roses: once-flowering ramblers such as Goldfinch are best pruned in November when the stems are still pliable.
- 修剪蔓生蔷薇:开花后的蔓生蔷薇品种如金翅雀等最好的修剪时间是在11月间,这时它的枝条仍然柔软。
- 29. To see him, I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.
- 瞧着他,我得说,他不该陪他的心上人在山上闲逛,他应该在医生照料下,躺在床上。
- 30. To see him, I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.
- 瞧着他,我得说,他不该陪他的心上人在山上闲逛,他应该在医生照料下,躺在床上。