- 1. Don't panic-- it's the tough core of the pineapple, not the prickly skin that you should tuck into.
- 别惊恐——你应该吃的是菠萝坚硬的果核,而不是多刺的外皮。
- 2. The fruit of this plant has a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.
- 这种植物的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,气味难闻,但味道可口。
- 3. If the center of your flower is a circle, but your petals are pointy, you are probably hiding a warm heart behind a prickly defensiveness.
- 如果花心是圆形的,但是花瓣确是尖的,那你可能是把一颗温暖的心隐藏在多刺的防御后面。
- 4. The ancient fecal material, or coprolite, was littered with seared prickly pear seeds and flecked with small bones from fish, birds, and rodents.
- 这块古代排泄物或粪化石,同烧焦的多刺梨种子散落在一起,点缀着来自鱼、鸟、啮齿目动物的小块骨头。
- 5. Well before he died of cancer in 2008, Harold Pinter knew he had earned a reputation for being "enigmatic, taciturn, terse, prickly, explosive and forbidding".
- 早在2008年哈罗德·品特因癌症去世之前,他就知道了自己赢得了“高深莫测、沉默寡言、简洁、多刺、暴躁以及令人生畏”的名声。
- 6. You know how prickly she is.
- 你知道她多么容易生气。
- 7. The issue is likely to prove a prickly one.
- 这个问题很可能是棘手的。
- 8. Let's move on to the prickly subject of taxation reform.
- 咱们继续讨论下一项税制改革这个棘手的问题吧。
- 9. The bunk mattress was hard, the blankets prickly and slightly damp.
- 铺位上的床垫很硬,毛毯扎人且有点潮湿。
- 10. Many of the species native to California, such as the prickly chaparral, rely on fires to propagate.
- 加利福尼亚有许多土生土长的物种,比如多刺的灌木荆棘丛,依靠火来繁殖。
- 11. Durian clan refers to ill-tempered co-workers who have been working for many years and are emotionally prickly.
- 榴莲族,是对职场中有一定工作资历,但脾气像榴莲一样又臭又硬的同事。
- 12. Here we go round the prickly pear.
- 这儿我们围绕着仙人球。
- 13. THERE is a prickly KGB officer in the Kremlin.
- 克里姆林宫有一个脾气暴躁的克格勃官员。
- 14. I have put pepper and Chinese prickly ash in it.
- 但四川菜以麻辣为特色,我在鱼乡肉丝里加了些辣椒和花椒。
- 15. But it also raises the prickly question of competition.
- 但是这也引发了棘手的竞争问题。
- 16. Others may be more interesting, but they may be more prickly.
- 其他朋友可能更有趣,但他们也或许更难相处。
- 17. Don't worry. The prickly ash in the Mapo bean curd is disinfecting your tongue!
- 不要慌,麻婆豆腐里的花椒正在给你的舌头消毒!
- 18. As a vigorous rising power, China is predictably prickly about its sovereignty.
- 作为一个充满活力正在崛起的力量,中国预计将对主权问题非常敏感。
- 19. A long-running dispute between two of Europe's most prickly neighbours is turning nasty.
- 欧洲两个最易动怒的邻国间一场旷日持久的争吵变得不堪入耳。
- 20. Don't panic — it's the tough core of the pineapple, not the prickly skin you should tuck into.
- 先别怕,不是要你吃多刺的菠萝皮,而是中间较硬的菠萝果心。
- 21. Through a fug of cigarette smoke, her hosts found her intense, charming, stubborn and prickly.
- 她整日抽烟,处在烟雾缭绕中,她的接伺者反而发现她迷人、顽固、易怒的一面。
- 22. We went to the bar, where he followed my lead and ordered a bright pink, prickly-pear margarita.
- 我们进了酒吧,他跟着我要了杯明红色,嵌着仙人掌果的玛格丽塔。
- 23. The fruit of this plant, having a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.
- 榴莲果榴莲树的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,有刺激性气味,但味道可口。
- 24. In dealing with the prickly matter of Japan's brutal past, he has booted the ball of history into the long grass [1].
- 在如何面对日本残暴的过去这一棘手问题上,他选择了绝口不提。
- 25. Whitworth said every board should "make sure that [they] have a couple of prickly devil's advocates around the table".
- 惠特沃思表示,每个董事会都应该“确保董事会中有一两位专门挑刺的成员。”
- 26. Whitworth said every board should "make sure that [they] have a couple of prickly devil's advocates around the table".
- 惠特沃思表示,每个董事会都应该“确保董事会中有一两位专门挑刺的成员。”