- 1. Xiao Zhang is a plain phony. He gives me a song and a dance in my face, but bad-mouths me behind my back.
- 小张真是个骗子。当着我的面他对赞不绝口,可是在我的背后却总说我的坏话。
- 2. Plain, vigorous and unrestrained in style, this folk song with only several lines gives a vivid outline of the unique and magnificent scenery in the vast northwest of Inner Mongolia.
- 这首敕勒歌风格奔放、雄健质朴,寥寥几句就十分生动地勾勒出内蒙大西北独特的壮丽景色。
- 3. A bald pen, a plain paper, a cup of tea, a period of time, an old song, a tie down new words, Yi Mei fluttering, mild light years.
- 一只秃笔,一张素纸,一杯香茗,一段时光,一首老歌,一阕新词,衣袂飘飘,轻度光年。
- 4. Taoerhe river and Huolinhe river are two main contiguous tributary of Nenjiang river in the west of Song-Nen plain, there is large march and alkaline land.
- 洮儿河、霍林河是松嫩平原西部嫩江相邻的两个主要支流,分布着大片的湿地、盐碱地。
- 5. Liuzi Drama is famous for its uninhibited stage performance style and is well-known for the simple, plain, vivid and lively song lyrics, closing to Southwest dialects.
- 柳子戏的舞台表演风格以粗犷豪放著称,唱白简单而又质朴,生动而又活泼,通俗易懂,与鲁西南方言最为接近。
- 6. The paper pointed out Ordos and Alxa Plateau were pastoral area, Boundary of Song and Tangut, Hexi Corridor belonged to mixed pastoral-farming area, Ningxia Plain was fanning area.
- 指出了西夏具体的经济区划:鄂尔多斯、阿拉善高原为畜牧区,宋夏沿边、河西走廊为半农半牧区、宁夏平原为农耕区。
- 7. The album's best song is the homonymous one: a relaxing track, in which the band implants all those characteristics, that needs the listener to notice, being plain.
- 与专辑同名的歌曲是这张专辑中最耐听的一首:在令人放松的旋律里乐队注入了他们的个性,这需要听者自己去体会。
- 8. It is by Song Dynasty poetics that Tao Yuanming and his poems' reputation is greatly increased, and thus decides the significant status of "Plain style" in Chinese poetics and aesthetic history.
- 宋代诗学中的崇陶现象,其时对陶渊明诗文的接受与阐释,在极大地提高了陶诗声名的同时,也奠定了平淡一格在中国文论史、美学史上的重要地位。
- 9. Zalong and Xianghai national nature protection zone in Song-Nen plain is most integrated wetland ecosystem in the mid temperate zone of China.
- 松嫩平原扎龙、向海国家级自然保护区是我国中温带最完整的湿地生态系统。
- 10. This chapter is mainly to solve the problem how "the road" inspired the literati for "plain" Esthetics, and in the Song Dynasty esthetic culture how to support this esthetic concept.
- 本章主要解决的是宋代士大夫吸收了“平常心是道”哪一特点使他们产生“平淡”的美学观,以及在宋代审美文化中又是怎样印证这种美学观的。
- 11. Generally speaking, the design of Diaoban books in the Song Dynasty reflects significant features of plain and simple.
- 宋朝雕版书籍之设计一般而言体现出朴实之显著特色。
- 12. His poems were about himself, plain and simple, especially the ecstatic Song of Myself, which celebrated the explosive joy of living inside a human body.
- 他地诗歌是引见本身,简单地歌,出格是教徒庆贺本身,爆炸地生活乐趣在一小我类地身体中。
- 13. After the war between Northern Song and Southern Song, Jianghan Plain continued the process of development.
- 虽有两宋间的兵燹,但从南宋孝宗朝开始,江汉平原继续开发的进程。
- 14. After the war between Northern Song and Southern Song, Jianghan Plain continued the process of development.
- 虽有两宋间的兵燹,但从南宋孝宗朝开始,江汉平原继续开发的进程。