- 1. He has finally cracked the system after years of painstaking research.
- 经过数年的艰苦研究,他最终破译了该系统。
- 2. In fact, acquiring the exact meaning of number words is a painstaking process that takes children years.
- 事实上,掌握数字单词的确切含义是一个艰苦的过程,需要花费孩子数年的时间。
- 3. The leases come with painstaking stipulations to mitigate any possible environmental harm to species like the polar bear.
- 这些租约附带了细致的条款,以减轻对北极熊等物种的任何可能的环境伤害。
- 4. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills.
- 这种直觉不是武断的或非理性的,而是建立在多年艰苦的实践和建立技能的实际经验的基础上的。
- 5. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life in working-class homes.
- 这本书最让人印象深刻的是,作者伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔为描写工人阶级家庭的日常生活,付出了巨大的心血。
- 6. The event had been planned with painstaking attention to detail.
- 这次活动的细节是经过精心计划的。
- 7. Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.
- 法医专家们对残骸进行了极其仔细的研究。
- 8. In one area, it made painstaking efforts to quantify fertility preference to derive figures for planned and unplanned pregnancies.
- 在一个领域,它付出了艰苦的努力来量化生育偏好,以得出计划生育和非计划生育的数据。
- 9. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life in working class homes.
- 这本书最让人印象深刻的是,作者伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔为描写工人阶级家庭的日常生活,付出了艰苦的努力。
- 10. She is not very clever but she is painstaking.
- 她虽然不很聪明,但很刻苦。
- 11. Children receive painstaking care from their parents.
- 孩子们受到家长爱护备至的照料。
- 12. In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy.
- 为了改造环境,他苦心孤诣地制订了这个计划。
- 13. It had made painstaking efforts towards this goal.
- 它为该目标付出了艰巨的努力。
- 14. On the other hand, the painstaking reporting came at a price.
- 另一方面,辛苦认真的报道是有一定代价的。
- 15. Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused.
- 她的训练将会是缓慢的,艰辛的,将焦点集中在修正错误上。
- 16. Painstaking painter was hired to paint a wall of the palace.
- 一个苦干的画家被雇佣去描绘宫殿的一面墙。
- 17. Doctors have cautiously hailed the painstaking surgery a success.
- 医生们万分谨慎的实施了这场艰苦而又成功手术。
- 18. It would do painstaking research on topics like Guantanamo, and then issue reports.
- 它会做像关塔那摩主题的潜心研究,然后发出报告。
- 19. But now it has become a painstaking effort to write a blueprint for women's health.
- 然而,经过艰苦卓越的努力,调查给女性健康描绘出一幅蓝图。
- 20. A few weeks of summer turmoil should not undo years of painstaking regulatory work.
- 夏季里几周的振荡不会抹杀几年来的认真的制定规章的工作。
- 21. Pursuing external beauty through medical procedures is painstaking or in some cases deadly.
- 通过医学手段来获得外在的美丽是辛苦的,有时也会是致命的。
- 22. It is simple, incremental and requires painstaking attention to what the customers want.
- 解决之道非常简单,而且循序增值:时刻关注用户的需求。
- 23. Finding even one requires a painstaking search of Stardust's particle trap using a microscope.
- 哪怕只有一个发现,也需陷入使用显微镜对星团颗粒的辛勤研究。
- 24. Making this transformation - and it is a transformation - requires painstaking work and it takes time.
- 进行这种转变——这是一种转变——需要艰苦的努力,也需要时间。
- 25. After much painstaking 'research', the secret to the perfect pint may finally have been discovered.
- 经过许多费力的“研究”,完美啤酒的秘密最终被发现了。
- 26. Now we were finally ready to begin the painstaking work of building the first evolving intelligent system.
- 现在我们最终准备好开始首个进化智能系统的辛苦构建工作。
- 27. Thanks to Professor Pearson's painstaking researches, the time machine can be ridden smoothly much further.
- 多亏皮尔森教授的苦心研究,我们的时光机器才能够顺利运转,回到更遥远的过去。
- 28. Henry learned the hard way what a slow, painstaking business it was to build an engine by hand from scratch.
- 亨利懂得了靠手工白手起家地制造发动机是一项缓慢、辛苦、困难重重的工作。
- 29. Models had to spend weeks, months, years sitting for him. The process entailed painstaking relationships.
- 他的模特通常要花几个礼拜、几个月甚至几年坐在他面前,这项工序需要极其专注的关系。
- 30. Models had to spend weeks, months, years sitting for him. The process entailed painstaking relationships.
- 他的模特通常要花几个礼拜、几个月甚至几年坐在他面前,这项工序需要极其专注的关系。