- 1. Over-indulgence would lead people to physical and mental exhaustion as over-work did.
- 过度的放纵常常和过度的工作一样,也会导致人们身心的疲惫。
- 2. Many of us may not be around by the turn of the next century but our children and our children's children will be suffering from our over-indulgence.
- 我们中的许多人可能不会再由之交的下个世纪,但我们的孩子和我们孩子的孩子将受到我们的过度放纵。
- 3. Author Yoshizaki attributes the change to Japanese parents' over-indulgence of their children, material affluence, and growing concern for private matters.
- 作者吉崎康宏将这种变化归咎于父母对对孩子的纵容溺爱、物质的富有和对个人事物关注程度的增强。
- 4. As an indulgence over Christmas, the editor often runs cartoon covers.
- 作为一名圣诞迷,编辑经常画卡通封面图片。
- 5. Ever since, it has borne a whiff of consumerist self-indulgence, and its advocates then and now are accused of prizing sensation over anything more profound or ostensibly value-laden.
- 从那以后,这一权利就被蒙上了消费主义自我放纵的色彩,而且,这一权利的提倡者鼓吹感觉至上、忽视其他一切深刻且有价值的事物,也时常受到指责。
- 6. Self Indulgence - an aspect of selfishness and laziness, inability to work at self growth, and an aspect to self-excess, over spending, over eating, focus on pleasure.
- 表现为自私和懒惰,无法为自我成长而努力,并且表现为不自我节制,花销过度,饮食过度,沉溺娱乐。
- 7. Over indulgence in joy will cause sadness, which eventually disturbs the normal life.
- 过度耽于享乐的结果,往往导致乐极生悲,以至最终影响到日常生活的运作。
- 8. We must avoid over indulgence and conspicuous consumption.
- 我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。
- 9. Don't get sensational over headlines and just get your head stuck in the same spot for comfort and self-indulgence.
- 不要看到耸人听闻的新闻标题,就沉溺其中,寻求安慰,自我陶醉。
- 10. In childhood I was very self-willed, maybe it is due to the over indulgence of mother love: I loved flowers so that she led me to the Peach blossom Garden;
- 小时候我很任性,可能因为受到母亲过多的宠爱吧:我喜欢花朵儿,她就把我带到了桃花园;
- 11. In childhood I was very self-willed, maybe it is due to the over indulgence of mother love: I loved flowers so that she led me to the Peach blossom Garden;
- 小时候我很任性,可能因为受到母亲过多的宠爱吧:我喜欢花朵儿,她就把我带到了桃花园;