- 1. The dusk light was failing and the interior of the pickup was dark but she knew the occupant was staring at her.
- 黄昏的光线逐渐暗淡下来,皮卡内黑漆漆的,但她知道占有者一直在盯着她。
- 2. There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupant.
- 除了寄给住户的常见的垃圾邮件之外,没有其他邮件。
- 3. There was no post except the usual junk addressed to the occupant.
- 除了寄给住户的常见的垃圾邮件之外,没有其他邮件。
- 4. They also extended the search to the next-door house where Garrido has been caretaker until its current occupant moved in three years ago.
- 他们将搜索范围扩大到隔壁的房子,据悉,现在的住户三年前搬进去之前,加里多曾是那里的看门人。
- 5. Oh, the occupant of this tomb is Temur Khan?
- 哦,这就是墓的主人,铁木尔汗吧?
- 6. There was no post except the usual junk addressed to the occupant .
- 除了寄给住户的常见的垃圾邮件之外,没有其他邮件。
- 7. The occupant of this office is one V. M.Williamson, and he's a very untidy guy.
- 这间办公室的主人是一个叫V.M.W illiamson的,这是个不整洁的家伙。
- 8. The coffee-room had no other occupant that forenoon than the gentleman in brown.
- 那天上午咖啡室里除了这位穿褐色礼服的先生再也没有客人。
- 9. The tech crowd thought the latest occupant of the White House was one of their own.
- 高科技人群认为最新的白宫主人是他们自己人。
- 10. F a driver is an occupant of a transport vehicle who is operating or intending to operate it.
- 所谓驾驶员是指一运输交通工具的使用者,而此人正在操纵或意图操纵此交通工具。
- 11. Acceptable occupant accelerations and restraint strategies based on expected vehicle performance.
- 乘客可接受的加速度和基于整车性能预期的制动策略。
- 12. The voices told them to jump from the building - which is how the previous occupant ended his life.
- 那些声音让他从这栋楼跳下去——之前那位住户就是这样结束了自己的生命。
- 13. A condominium, or "condo" for short, is an apartment that is owned by the occupant, not the building owners.
- 个人购置的公寓套间为居住者所有,而不是大楼的主人。
- 14. A sensing wristband automatically detects a fall or heart problems in an elderly occupant and can send an alert.
- 一个有感知力的表带能自动探测疾病或是老年居住者的心脏问题,并发出警报。
- 15. The unflappable manager moves the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 4, room 3 to room 6, and so on.
- 经理从容地把1号房的客人挪到2号,2号的挪到4号,3号的挪到6号,以此类推。
- 16. Whenever a new guest arrives, the manager shifts the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 3, and so on.
- 只要有新的客人来,经理就把1号房间的客人换到2号,2号房间的客人换到3号,以此类推。
- 17. "Well, I do have a double room with one occupant, " admitted the manager, " and he might be glad to split the cost.
- “好吧,我这儿确实有个双人间,不过只有一个住客,” 旅馆经理答道,“有人分担房费他会很高兴的。
- 18. A suit that maintains a stable pressure around its occupant; useful in both space exploration and high-altitude flights.
- 这种在使用者周围保持一个稳定压力的衣服被用于空间探索和高空飞行。
- 19. This hinges allow for quick folding between positions, allowing its occupant to change the layout to their desired shape.
- 这种铰链能够快速折叠各个部位,允许用户能把它变化为他们想要的造型。
- 20. Heavily personalised desks imply that the occupant is settled and plans to stay, but too much homey clutter can backfire.
- 高度个性化的桌面暗示了他的所有者已经在此安定下来并且计划停留,但是过多温馨凌乱的摆设也会产生事与愿违的结果。
- 21. Sitting behind her desk, she watched Moore and Rizzoli glance around the room, no doubt taking the measure of its occupant.
- 她坐在办公桌后,注视着莫拓森和芮黎真,他们在打量房间内的摆设,想必是想借此来估量房间的主人。
- 22. Decorated with origami birds left by a previous occupant, the room faced a neighbor's less than two feet across an airshaft.
- 房间里依然留有以前住户用折纸鸟的装饰,房子离邻居的通气孔还不到两英尺。
- 23. Decorated with origami birds left by a previous occupant, the room faced a neighbor’s less than two feet across an airshaft.
- 这个房间装饰着上一个租户留下的纸鹤,和对面邻居的房间相聚不到两码。
- 24. Each new occupant is affected by the glass room's quiet power; as lives are shattered around it, it remains a place of dreams.
- 每一任新主人都被玻璃屋散发的安谧力量所影响着;在它的周围生灵涂炭,而它始终是梦想的栖息地。
- 25. But they'll have to pedal hard to catch up with the literary achievements of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
- 但这两口子想要追上现在宾夕法尼亚大道1600号(白宫所在地)房主的在文学上成就,还得加把劲才是。
- 26. A famous former occupant of the palace, Catherine the Great, acquired the core of the collection during her 18th-century reign.
- 在十八世纪当政期间,这座宫殿著名的前主人凯瑟琳大帝收藏了这个核心藏品。
- 27. The last occupant in the evening opens the classroom doors and flaps, and the first to arrive in the morning opens them back up.
- 在晚上最后一个离开的人向内打开教室门和窗户,早上第一个到达的人则将它们向外打开。
- 28. Then, a drogue parachute, followed by main parachutes, will be deployed to carry the capsule and its occupant safely back to earth.
- 接着一个起动伞将会将主降落伞带出,从而安全地将封闭仓及其仓内人员带回地面。
- 29. The cockpit is equipped with adjustable seats for two crew members, a third occupant seat and a folding seat for a fourth occupant.
- 驾驶舱安装有两个可调节的机组座椅,一个第三乘员座椅和一个可折叠的第四乘员座椅。
- 30. The cockpit is equipped with adjustable seats for two crew members, a third occupant seat and a folding seat for a fourth occupant.
- 驾驶舱安装有两个可调节的机组座椅,一个第三乘员座椅和一个可折叠的第四乘员座椅。