- 1. Sandy soils are prone to the leaching of nutrients and minerals and so tend to be nutritionally poor.
- 养分和矿物质容易从沙质土壤中流失,因此沙质土壤往往较为贫瘠。
- 2. For example, the claim that breakfast cereal has a health benefit may be accompanied by the disclaimer "when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast".
- 例如,宣称早餐麦片对健康有益的广告可能还会附带一个免责声明,即“当它是营养均衡早餐的一部分时”。
- 3. Biologists have long debated about whether egg production in birds is biologically highly costly, some theorizing that egg production is energetically or nutritionally demanding.
- 长期以来,生物学家一直在争论鸟类的产蛋在生物学上是否具有很高的成本,有的理论认为产蛋对能量或营养的要求很高。
- 4. One intervention, consumption of a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health.
- 有一种干预方法,即食用低热量但营养均衡的饮食,在很多动物身上都取得了令人难以置信的效果,它能延长寿命、维持身体健康。
- 5. Some aditols are nutritionally available; others are not.
- 有些多羟糖醇是有营养的,有些则无营养。
- 6. So what else is in "seasoned beef," nutritionally speaking?
- 那么,从营养角度看,“调味牛肉”里究竟还有什么?
- 7. It is borderline nutritionally irresponsible NOT to eat this thing.
- 从营养角度来看,不吃这玩意简直是不负责任的表现。
- 8. Is it hype? Or is it nutritionally meaningful? Perhaps some of both.
- 这究竟是炒作,还是真有营养学上的好处?也许兼而有之。
- 9. These recipes offer other benefits: They're nutritionally sound and environmentally friendly.
- 这些菜还提供了其他好处:营养丰富且绿色环保。
- 10. It is nutritionally an incomplete protein. It is also used in various pharmaceutical products.
- 明胶是一种营养的不完全蛋白质。也用于各种医药制品。
- 11. If you eat the wrong stuff nutritionally, i.e. your food either gives you or it takes from you.
- 如果你错误的食用了大量的营养物。
- 12. “Nutritionally there is little difference between a gummy bear and a bite of fruit leather,” she said.
- “在营养学上,一颗小熊软糖和少量水果干其实几乎没什么差别。”她表示。
- 13. "Nutritionally there is little difference between a gummy bear and a bite of fruit leather," she said.
- “在营养学上,一颗小熊软糖和少量水果干其实几乎没什么差别。”她表示。
- 14. Unlike peanuts and almonds, walnuts are usually eaten raw, making them even more nutritionally superior.
- 和花生、杏仁不同,人们通常都是生吃核桃,这使核桃的营养价值相比起来更高了。
- 15. This dietary guidance and nutrition information can help them choose a healthy, nutritionally adequate diet.
- 该膳食指南和营养学信息可以帮助他们更好的选择健康的,营养充足的饮食。
- 16. There is no clear evidence that conventional food is harmful or that organic food is nutritionally superior.
- 没有证据表明传统食品有害健康或者有机食品在营养成分上更胜一筹。
- 17. Even without the treats they receive during the experiments, he said the animals receive a nutritionally balanced diet.
- 他说,就算动物不是实验对象,它们也会吃到营养均衡的食物,跟要实验的动物没什么区别。
- 18. Yet the conversion of grass or grain to meat is nutritionally inefficient: it takes 10kg of feed to produce 1kg of beef.
- 可是从草料和谷物到肉的转化效率在营养上是非常低下的:出产1千克牛肉需要10千克的饲料。
- 19. First, prey tend to make fewer forays for snacks when predators are lurking around, so they may not be as nutritionally fit.
- 首先,当有捕食者在场时,处于劣势的被捕食者会减少觅食行为,所以它们的营养状况不佳。
- 20. Replace the nutritionally vacuous iceberg lettuce with baby spinach in tacos or mix sweet potatoes in your regular mashed potatoes.
- 可代替有营养的生菜或红薯和马铃薯的混合食物。
- 21. Unless you are nutritionally deficient, you probably don't need a vitamin supplement and if you do, a simple multivitamin is enough.
- 除非你营养不良,否则无需补充维生素。而如果你真的有需要,那么一种复合维生素就足够了。
- 22. This can lead to becoming nutritionally deficient, which can impact health problems such as osteoporosis, and bone health in general.
- 这会引起营养不良,影响到如骨质疏松和全身的骨骼健康这些健康问题。
- 23. You'd have to so abuse your body that it was basically as frail and sickly as that of an 80-year-old. Or maybe nutritionally starve it.
- 你要把自己的身体如此地虐待成基本上像个80岁人那么脆弱和多病,或也许使身体极其缺乏营养。
- 24. FAO programmes assist poor households and communities to secure access to nutritionally adequate diets and reduce child undernutrition.
- 粮农组织的计划帮助贫穷家庭和社区获得营养充足的膳食,减轻儿童的食物不足问题。
- 25. On the other hand, absolute standards of poverty are creepy, reliant as they are on expert definitions of a nutritionally balanced diet.
- 在另一方面,贫困的绝对标准实在让人不敢恭维,因为它们是以专家定义的均衡营养食谱为依据。
- 26. Some were given nutritionally enriched babymilk – now only ever given to weak, premature babies – and others were given standard formula.
- 给一部分婴儿喂营养过身的婴儿奶——现在只给那些体质弱的早熟的婴儿,给另一部分标准婴儿配方。
- 27. AquAdvantage salmon were deemed safe by the FDA, calling them nutritionally equal to non-GM salmon and capable of being sustainably farmed.
- 美国食品和药物监督局认为aquAdvantage鲑鱼是安全的,称这种鱼在营养方面和非转基因鲑鱼没有什么两样,而且能够持续养殖。
- 28. AquAdvantage salmon were deemed safe by the FDA, calling them nutritionally equal to non-GM salmon and capable of being sustainably farmed.
- 美国食品和药物监督局认为aquAdvantage鲑鱼是安全的,称这种鱼在营养方面和非转基因鲑鱼没有什么两样,而且能够持续养殖。