- 1. Time and again, Mr. Heaney returns to the image of the pen. He began his long career writing of such a pen, nestling snug as a gun between finger and thumb.
- 希尼先生一次又一次回到了“笔”这个意象中。他开始了他漫长的写作生涯,这支笔就像一支枪,舒适地依偎在他的手指和拇指之间。
- 2. A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food.
- 一个典型的例子就是鸣禽的雏鸟在父母带着食物归巢时所表现出的吵闹的乞食行为。
- 3. Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of its siblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of its genes overall than it might otherwise.
- 因此,一只以其兄弟姐妹为代价来获取食物的乞食雏鸟实际上可能会比其它雏鸟留下更少的基因副本。
- 4. Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains.
- 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。
- 5. You will see the nestling fall.
- 你会看见雏鸟掉落。
- 6. I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.
- 我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。
- 7. Nestling at the heart of these worries is land.
- 而这些忧虑的核心问题是土地。
- 8. The sere vines, the old trees, and nestling crows.
- 枯藤、老树和正在安顿下来的乌鸦。
- 9. One feels good nestling like a baby on its breast.
- 一个人象婴孩那样地偎依在它的怀中时,是觉得很舒服的。
- 10. Nearby, nestling in the hills, was the children's home.
- 孩子们的家就在附近的山里。
- 11. Someone was turning over papers , making a nestling noise.
- 人们第一次使用茶叶,制造纸张,木刻印刷从此开始。
- 12. The weight of fresh nestling did not influence their growth.
- 普通鸬鹚刚出壳体重对它们的成长不造成任何影响。
- 13. Today's wireless device is the sleek mobile phone nestling in your pocket.
- 而如今的无线设备则是安睡在您口袋里的手机,光滑无比。
- 14. She lay In bed with her baby's head nestlIng In sleep agaInst her breast.
- 她躺在床上婴儿依偎在她的怀里睡着了。
- 15. At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents.
- 这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。
- 16. Typical for rural Iceland are the isolated valley farms nestling against mountains.
- 依山坐落、孤立的山谷农庄是冰岛农村的一个特色。
- 17. To investigate, scientists reared more than 100 nestling garden warblers and Sardinian warblers.
- 为了进行调查,科学家饲养了100多只园莺和撒丁岛莺的雏鸟。
- 18. I took off mother's glasses holding in hand, nestling face to mother's icy cheek, my tears run down as rain.
- 我把母亲的眼镜摘下来握在手中,将脸贴在母亲冰冷的脸颊,我泪如雨下。
- 19. Nestling 700ft up in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, this little hill-station town has plenty of expat history.
- 戈代加讷尔位于泰米尔纳德邦帕拉尼山700英尺高的山腰上,这个小山村有很悠久的殖民历史。
- 20. Nestling in a quiet corner, a couple enjoys a private moment at Pleasure Beach, an amusement park in Blackpool.
- 在布莱克普游乐海滩,一对情侣正依偎在一个安静的角落,享受着他们的幸福时光。
- 21. Birds are also nesting during these months, which can lead to fascinating observations of parent-nestling interaction.
- 在这几个月里,鸟儿也开始筑巢,这样能引导给我们关于父母与雏鸟之间互动的极好的观察。
- 22. The Corinthians shirt is a patchwork of sponsors’ logos, down to one for a deodorant brand nestling in the players’ armpits.
- 克林西安队服贴满了赞助商的商标,除臭剂的商标已经贴到了衣服的腋下。
- 23. The Corinthians shirt is a patchwork of sponsors' logos, down to one for a deodorant brand nestling in the players' armpits.
- 科林斯的球衣上拼凑着各家赞助商的标志,甚至球员的腋窝处还有个除臭剂的品牌标志。
- 24. The principle of the ultrasonic level detection with the probe nestling the bottom and the method of data processing are introduced.
- 介绍探头贴底式超声液位检测原理和数据处理方法。
- 25. Across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains.
- 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。
- 26. NESTLING in the rolling valleys of central France, between fields of wheat and grazing cows, the village of Donzy seems from another age.
- 隐蔽在法国中部高低起伏的山谷之中、麦田与牧牛场之间的东兹(donzy)村似乎来自另一个时代。
- 27. The handsome Castle she cast a hazy veil, a change in the past the majestic, gently nestling in the bosom of the earth, quiet like a girl.
- 那俊秀的青山被她蒙上了朦胧的面纱,一改往日的雄壮,温柔地偎依在大地的怀抱,恬静得像一位少女。
- 28. Some businesses can be found nestling close to Brazilian multinationals, in the way that growing companies cosy up to American universities.
- 许多企业都在巴西的跨国公司旁边安家,就像一些成长性企业通常靠近美国的大学一样。
- 29. 'OK, we'll try that fellow first,' said Mary Anne briskly, pointing to a largeish koala nestling in a fork not much higher than I could reach.
- “好吧,我们先抓那只,”玛丽∙安轻声地说,手指着一只体型较大、歇在我伸手可及的树杈上的树熊。
- 30. 'OK, we'll try that fellow first,' said Mary Anne briskly, pointing to a largeish koala nestling in a fork not much higher than I could reach.
- “好吧,我们先抓那只,”玛丽∙安轻声地说,手指着一只体型较大、歇在我伸手可及的树杈上的树熊。