- 1. The new-found strength of local militancy appals many observers.
- 新发现的地方军事行动战斗力让很多观察员厌恶。
- 2. He said there is no single solution to the issue of militancy.
- 内格罗蓬特说,要解决激进主义的问题没有单一的解决方案。
- 3. This move of Musharraf's will ignite militancy and extremism.
- 穆沙拉夫的行为将引发大规模的武装斗争和极端行为。
- 4. Women's labor organizations increased its voice and militancy.
- 女性劳工组织的声音和组织性提高。
- 5. He had a record of militancy. He had been arrested by the Jordanians.
- 此人曾有战斗记录,也曾被约旦人逮捕。
- 6. But it is much less than the eradication of anti-India militancy that India demands.
- 但是相比印度铲除反印武装的要求而言,这还差得太远。
- 7. Their dashed journey underscores the insular nature of the Pakistan and Afghan militancy.
- 他们的失败之旅证实了巴基斯坦和阿富汗交战的孤立特点。
- 8. But it is too soon to speak of a watershed in Pakistan's faltering campaign against militancy.
- 然而,如果要说这是巴基斯坦与武装分子漫长抗争的分水岭,可能还为时过早。
- 9. The leader said there was an across-the-board consensus on rooting out extremism and militancy.
- 该国领导表示,在根除极端主义和交战状态方面,世界各国有着一致看法。
- 10. Yet Mr Scargill-whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat-also haunts Mexborough.
- 斯卡吉尔先生的顽固不化和好战导致他的矿工们一败涂地,他也令梅克斯·伯勒不快。
- 11. Police: I think they want to create anarchy in the country, and probably connected with the militancy.
- 警察:我认为他们是想给这个国家制造混乱,而且很有可能与武装活动有牵连。
- 12. This was encouraging. But it is much less than the eradication of anti-India militancy that India demands.
- 这的确令人鼓舞,但相对印度铲除反印武装的要求而言,这还差得太远。
- 13. "The border is too dangerous for anyone right now," said Ahmed Rashid, author of several books on militancy.
- “现在边境地区对于任何人来说都是非常危险的”,数部军事书籍的作者艾哈迈德·拉什德说道。
- 14. The relationship between human and nature is dialectic, is the entity of contradictory identity and militancy.
- 人与自然的关系是辩证统一的,是矛盾同一性和斗争性的统一体。
- 15. The two issues were to be decoupled only to the extent that Pakistanis must end anti-Indian militancy unconditionally.
- 只有在巴基斯坦人无条件终止反印军事挑衅的情况下,反恐和印巴和谈才能分开处置。
- 16. The artistry of Lu Xun's essays mainly consists in its militancy, figuration, representativeness, sense of humor and cordial feelings.
- 鲁迅杂文的艺术性主要表现在它的战斗性、形象性、典型性、幽默感及它的真挚情感上。
- 17. The artistry of Lu Xun s essays mainly consists in its militancy, figuration, representativeness, sense of humor and cordial feelings.
- 鲁迅杂文的艺术性主要表现在它的战斗性、形象性、典型性、幽默感及它的真挚情感上。
- 18. Education is the art of pressuring young people into a state of alienation that will result in either quiet despair or aggressive militancy.
- 教育是一种压迫年轻人的技艺,使他们陷入一种要么沉默绝望,要么激进好斗的异化状态。
- 19. They worry that the murderous militancy that has killed 30,000 over the past four years in Pakistan (see article) may emerge in the Arab world too.
- 他们还担心凶残的武装分子过去四年在巴基斯坦杀害30000人的事件会再一次在阿拉伯世界重演。
- 20. They worry that the murderous militancy that has killed 30, 000 over the past four years in Pakistan (see article) may emerge in the Arab world too.
- 他们还担心凶残的武装分子过去四年在巴基斯坦杀害30000人的事件会再一次在阿拉伯世界重演。
- 21. Many of these extremists misread the significance and intent of nonviolence because they failed to perceive that militancy is also the father of the nonviolent way.
- 在这些极端主义者中,有许多人误解了“非暴力”的意义和目的,因为他们未能理解战斗性本身也是“非暴力”方式之父。
- 22. First they thought his role was limited to funding militancy but as information came in from stations around the world, a more threatening profile came together.
- 一开始情报部门认为他扮演的是为战斗提供资金的角色,但是随着从世界各地传来的消息,一个更具威胁的形象渐渐显现出来。
- 23. He is unlikely to yield much ground to union militancy. It seems that BA's core shareholders support him: the share price hardly moved when the strike was announced.
- 他未必会在罢工斗争中作出太多的让步,似乎英航的主要股东也支持他——在宣布罢工后英航的股价几乎没怎么下跌。
- 24. He is unlikely to yield much ground to union militancy. It seems that BA's core shareholders support him: the share price hardly moved when the strike was announced.
- 他未必会在罢工斗争中作出太多的让步,似乎英航的主要股东也支持他——在宣布罢工后英航的股价几乎没怎么下跌。