- 1. The dance caught the eye of artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who depicted it in a lithograph.
- 这种舞蹈引起了艺术家亨利·德·图卢兹·罗特列克的注意,他把它用平版印刷画描绘了出来。
- 2. Lithograph Collection Started!
- 开始收集平版画!
- 3. Cole printed 1,000 of the CARDS on a lithograph stone before having them hand-colored.
- 科尔随即用石版印刷了1000张,之后又让人给这些卡手工着色。
- 4. Cole printed 1, 000 of the CARDS on a lithograph stone before having them hand-colored.
- 科尔随即用石版印刷了1000张,之后又让人给这些卡手工着色。
- 5. Within the framework this technical process is planned to use 193 nm immersion lithograph.
- 的框架内这一技术过程是计划使用193纳米沉浸光刻。
- 6. It is an new technology to use synchrotron radiation lithograph for making large scale integral circuit.
- 在进行大规模集成电路光刻时,采用同步辐射光源是一项新技术。
- 7. The lithography and the manufacture technology are the lithograph most important art performance method.
- 石版印刷和制作技术是石版画最重要的艺术表现手段。
- 8. The paper introduces emphatically the making step and method of X -ray lithograph etching in LIGA technology.
- 着重介绍了LIGA工艺中X射线光刻掩模的制作步骤和方法。
- 9. He looked up, and then AT a large, gilt-framed poster-board, on which was a fine lithograph of Carrie, life-size.
- 他抬头看去,看见一块金边的大布告牌,上面有一幅嘉莉的优美画像,和真人一般大小。
- 10. A lithograph showing barracks where now a branch of the Moscow State University is situated (in one of the buildings).
- 一副呈现军营面貌的石版画,现在莫斯科国立大学的一个分校就坐落在其中(一幢建筑)。
- 11. Through more than two month of studies, lets you have above many years the factory to make lithograph plates the experience.
- 通过两个多月的学习,让你拥有多年以上工厂制版经验。
- 12. Lithograph is not very outstanding on the previous national exhibition of fine arts, but some works selected by this exhibition are very attractive and impressive.
- 石版画在上届全国美展中成绩不算突出,但本届入选的作品却有几幅格外引人瞩目。
- 13. As the youngest art of printing in the world, silk screen block printing shares the same unique form of expression with copperplate etching, lithograph and xylograph.
- 丝网版画和铜版画、石版画、木版画有着共同的独特表现形式;丝网印刷是世界上最年轻的印刷工艺。
- 14. Some young lithograph artists express the infinite space time by means the structure of planar arrangement and combination of abstract and show a strong sense of modern times.
- 一些年轻石版画家则以平面罗列的结构、抽象与具象的混搭着力呈现时空的无限,体现出较强的现代意识。
- 15. Some young lithograph artists express the infinite space time by means the structure of planar arrangement and combination of abstract and show a strong sense of modern times.
- 一些年轻石版画家则以平面罗列的结构、抽象与具象的混搭着力呈现时空的无限,体现出较强的现代意识。