- 1. The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.
- 新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响。
- 2. Clergy and laity alike are pided in their views.
- 神职人员和信众同样都观点各异。
- 3. The church and the laity were increasingly active in charity work.
- 教会与俗众越来越积极于慈善工作。
- 4. To tell the laity our love.
- 如果向俗人把我们的爱情倾诉。
- 5. To some extent this pattern was extended to the laity as well.
- 在一定程度上这种模式扩大到俗人的。
- 6. The laity, however, everywhere preferred their priests celibate.
- 然而,俗众却到处渴望他们的祭司过独身生活。
- 7. Although the number of laity with inexhaustible gorgeous whitewash.
- 尽管俗人用不尽其数的华丽粉饰。
- 8. Sometimes, not always, the clergy and laity voted in separate chambers.
- 有时候,并非总是,神职人员和俗人投了单独的分庭。
- 9. Thus, his preaching was directed at not only the laity, but the clergy as well.
- 因此,他的讲道面向的不只是世俗之人,也面向神职人员。
- 10. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, the parity of ministers and the laity.
- 信徒皆为祭司,受职者与平信徒同心服事。
- 11. Is the same as eating whole grains withstand a head and enjoy a lifetime of the laity.
- 一样是顶着一颗脑袋吃着五谷杂粮享受有生之年的俗人一个。
- 12. Taken away by a human being means that a Bhikkhu lives, mingling improperly with laity.
- 被人所取是指比丘不如法地跟俗人混在一起。
- 13. I think the laity is ready for it, but I don't think the leadership is developed that way.
- 我认为俗人准备,但我不认为是发达国家的领导方式。
- 14. Everywhere, Buddhist monastic communities tended to depend on the laity for food and material support.
- 无处不在,佛教寺院的社区往往依赖于俗人对粮食和物质上的支持。
- 15. Their decisions have been accepted by the clergy and the laity of all times, making their validity indisputable.
- 他们的决定已经被接受,由教士和俗人的任何时候,其效力不容置疑的。
- 16. I admit that my own money in the face of the laity is a great, so I could not also have their own disappointment.
- 我承认,我自己在面对金钱时也是一个大大的俗人,所以我对自己也有着说不出的失望。
- 17. December 2nd 1983: After due preparation initiated a Diocesan Renewal Movement for priests, laity and religious.
- 1983年十二月二日:经妥当预备后,开始教区更新运动。
- 18. Buddhism contains an excellent moral code for monks and laity, but it is much more than an ordinary moral teaching.
- 佛教为比丘和在家人制订了很好的戒律,但是它比一般的道德教学要求得更高。
- 19. All this, it must be understood, was genuinely and firmly believed both by priests and by laity; it was not merely a creed officially professed.
- 我们须知所有这一切,不止是公开宣布的信条,而是为僧俗两界所共同坚信不疑的。
- 20. In the West, the will and voice of the clergy and laity remained normative, but there was greater input now from bishops of neighboring dioceses.
- 在西方教会中,神职人员和平信徒的声音被正常地保留了下来,但是现今却参杂进了许多邻近教区主教的参与。
- 21. An important annual ceremony is the kathina festival at which the laity offer new material for robes when the monks end their retreat for the rainy season.
- 一年一度的迦提那节(the kathina festival)是一个重要的典礼。僧众们这个时候结束雨安居,在俗教徒会献上布料,用以制作佛衣。
- 22. On this last truth are based especially the permissibility and intrinsic propriety of Communion only under one kind for the laity and for priests not celebrating Mass.
- 就最后这一点真理,是基于尤其是允许性和内在的正当性共融的,只有在一类为俗人和牧师没有庆祝质量。
- 23. For 185 years since the Master, known to the laity as Joseph Fourier, launched his scheme for world domination, the entire physical science community has been working towards this moment.
- 自从凡夫俗子所熟悉的约瑟夫·傅立叶大师启动称霸世界的方案以来已经过去了185年,整个物理界一直在朝着这一时刻而努力。
- 24. As there has been a considerable demand for the book from the laity, an effort has been made to present the subject in such a way as to be intelligible to persons unfamiliar with phthalmology.
- 由于本书相当的需求量来自外行人,对不熟悉眼科学的人,本书努力采用使其感到浅显易懂的方式介绍话题。
- 25. As there has been a considerable demand for the book from the laity, an effort has been made to present the subject in such a way as to be intelligible to persons unfamiliar with phthalmology.
- 由于本书相当的需求量来自外行人,对不熟悉眼科学的人,本书努力采用使其感到浅显易懂的方式介绍话题。