- 1. Would life in the tundra justify infanticide?
- 苔原地带的艰苦生活能作为杀婴行为的借口吗?
- 2. As for infanticide, you expose your own children and kill the unborn.
- 至于女婴,你暴露自己的孩子和杀死胎儿。
- 3. Given the young age of the team, it would have ranked almost as infanticide.
- 看看这支球队的年龄,这种行为可以定性为虐杀婴儿。
- 4. In some species, such as lions and langurs, this results in deliberate infanticide.
- 在诸如狮子及叶猴等物种中,这导致了故意杀婴。
- 5. Not surprisingly, maternal infanticide is mainly a crime of poor, single women.
- 一点也不奇怪,杀婴母亲主要是贫穷、单身者。
- 6. It shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.
- 禁止溺婴、弃婴和其他残害婴儿的行为。
- 7. It is true, for example, that some societies approve of infanticide while others do not.
- 例如,有的文化认可杀婴行为,而有的却不是这样。
- 8. At places where infanticide occurred, the age distribution is more uniform, corresponding to full-term infancy.
- 而在出现弑婴现象的地方,尸体年龄分布十分统一地集中在将满月的婴儿上。
- 9. The result has long been a surplus of men, because of female infanticide or excess female deaths through neglect.
- 结果就是男性过剩,因为女性杀婴以及因为疏忽而过量的女性死亡。
- 10. Female infanticide is common and the ratio of males to females in the population can be a frightening 10:7 in some areas.
- 在有些地区溺杀女婴是平常的事,男女人口比例也可怕地只有10:7。
- 11. A lioness may try to defend her cubs against infanticide, but if she fails she does not plan vengeance against the male who did it.
- 雌狮可能会力图保护她的幼崽不被杀害,但如果失败了,她不会试图报复杀婴的雄狮。
- 12. Since few infant skeletons show evidence of cause of death, Mays and Eyers used an indirect method to investigate possible infanticide at Hambleden.
- 由于少量的婴儿骨骼显示出了死因,Mays和Eyers使用间接法考察在Hambleden弑婴的可能性。
- 13. In Qing Dynasty, folk infant adopting was popular in Jiangxi, which was a general self saving measure taken by the poor in order to avoid infanticide.
- 清代江西民间盛行的童养主要是贫家针对溺女而采取的一种最常用的自我拯救方法。
- 14. So, the tough reality of Hansel and Gretel in which a mother suggests infanticide as a way out of poverty, is softened by making this character a stepmother.
- 于是,汉秀和格里泰尔:母亲采取杀孩子来缓解贫困的故事,变成了后母的故事。
- 15. In this paper, we analyze the causes and consequences of the infanticide by the definition of infanticide, and we go further into how to control the infanticide.
- 文章通过对溺婴行为的界定分析了溺婴的原因及产生的社会后果,并对如何抑制这种现象作了进一步的探讨。
- 16. Not surprising since the Chinese have been practicing infanticide of girl babies for generations now, these folks have the least respect for living things in the world.
- 不奇怪,既然中国人现在已经实践杀害女婴几代人了,这些家伙对这个世界上有生命的东西有最少的尊重。
- 17. The researchers suggest that the practitioners may, in some cases, perceive infanticide as "mercy killing, where the goal may be to alleviate suffering, not to cause it."
- 研究人员建议从业者在某些时候可以将弑婴行为认为是一种“慈悲的杀戮,它的目的是缓解而非引起痛苦。”
- 18. The matter was very simple. The woman had murdered her child; the infanticide was proved; the jury threw out the question of premeditation, and she was condemned for life.
- 这案子很简单,这妇人害死了自己的孩子,杀害婴孩罪被证明了,陪审团没有追查是否蓄意谋害,判了她无期徒刑。
- 19. And he poses a chilling question: Does anyone really believe that the spreading phenomenon of pregnancy denial - and the infanticide it can lead to - is purely a French problem?
- 他还提出了一个更加令人心寒的问题:怀孕否认现象的蔓延以及其可能带来的杀婴只是法国的问题吗?
- 20. Male rats sometimes eat their young rather than nurture them, which makes them a poor model for studying how fatherhood affects the brains of species that frown on infanticide.
- 雄鼠有时候会吃掉他的幼崽而不是养育它们,因此对于研究那些不存在杀婴行为的物种来说是,老鼠不是一个好的模型。
- 21. Even more alarming, bipolar women are 100 times more likely than other women to experience postpartum psychosis, a severe mood disorder that, at its very worst, can result in infanticide.
- 更令人担忧的是,患双相障碍的妇女更容易得上产后精神疾病,其可能性是一般妇女的100倍——极端情况是,产妇的严重情绪障碍可导致婴儿夭折。
- 22. Death: Deaths from violence against women include honour killings (by families for cultural reasons); suicide; female infanticide (murder of infant girls); and maternal death from unsafe abortion.
- 死亡:针对妇女的暴力行为造成的死亡包括荣誉杀害(因文化原因被家庭成员杀害)、自杀、溺杀女婴(女婴杀害),以及不安全流产造成的孕妇死亡。
- 23. But in some parts of the world, such as central Africa, mutations that result in albinism (or a significant depigmentation) of a baby can provoke fear and superstition and sometimes even infanticide.
- 但是在世界上的某些地区,比如中非,由于基因突变而导致的白化病或色素脱失的婴儿会导致人们的害怕和迷信,有时甚至会被杀死。
- 24. But in some parts of the world, such as central Africa, mutations that result in albinism (or a significant depigmentation) of a baby can provoke fear and superstition and sometimes even infanticide.
- 但是在世界上的某些地区,比如中非,由于基因突变而导致的白化病或色素脱失的婴儿会导致人们的害怕和迷信,有时甚至会被杀死。