- 1. The olympic games is an international gymkhana including many kinds of sports which is hold by the olympic games committee every four year.
- 奥林匹克运动会是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的包含多种体育运动项目的国际性运动会,每四年举行一次。
- 2. There are picture of a gymkhana, an autumn trip and a rope skipping match. in one picture a girl jumps so high that she looks like she is flying!
- 有运动会,秋天旅行的图片,并且跳女孩跳那么高的match.in一图片的绳索她看,如她飞行!
- 3. According to the historical data, Tibetan traditional sports are very popular 1300 years ago in The Times of King Songzan Gambo. Every important festival, the Tibetans held their traditional gymkhana.
- 据历史记载,从距今1300多年的松赞干布时期,民族体育运动就广为流传,每逢重要节庆,都要举行传统的民族体育比赛。
- 4. According to the historical data, Tibetan traditional sports are very popular 1300 years ago in The Times of King Songzan Gambo. Every important festival, the Tibetans held their traditional gymkhana.
- 据历史记载,从距今1300多年的松赞干布时期,民族体育运动就广为流传,每逢重要节庆,都要举行传统的民族体育比赛。