- 1. Parts of the machine were grinding together noisily.
- 机器零件摩擦发出刺耳的声音。
- 2. There was a wok, a grinding stone, and a huge mortar and pestle, so those are what I left with, and I have all of them.
- 有一个锅,一块磨石,一个巨大的研钵和杵,这些就是我剩下的东西,我都有。
- 3. Dressed in her school uniform, seven-year-old Rani Eknath Mane waits for her father to finish grinding the family's harvest of chickpeas.
- 7岁的 RaniEknath Mane穿着她的校服,正等着她的父亲磨完今天她家收获的鹰嘴豆。
- 4. This picture echoes an old Chinese poem: Sharp edge of a sword comes out from grinding, and plum blossom's fragrance comes from the bitter cold.
- 这张照片和一首中国古诗产生了共鸣:宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。
- 5. Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.
- 人们发现了一些关于交通的有趣事实:95%的人是步行;80%的人住在当地;70%的人的行程与取水、拾柴,以及去磨坊有关。
- 6. He makes his own paint, grinding up the pigment with a little oil.
- 他把色料块加少许油磨碎,自己制成绘画颜料。
- 7. A car will come to a grinding halt if you put water in the gas tank.
- 如果你往油箱里加水,汽车会突然停下。
- 8. Tanks had crossed the border at five fifteen and were grinding south.
- 坦克已在5点15分穿过边界,然后隆隆地向南开去。
- 9. "Well," I said, grinding my cigarette nervously into the granite step.
- “好吧,”我边说边紧张地把香烟在花岗岩台阶上碾灭。
- 10. Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.
- 他们的祖父离开自己的村庄以躲避令人难以忍受的贫穷。
- 11. The youth like the early spring, like the morning sun, like the budding flowers, like the sharp blade fresh off the grinding stone.
- 青春如初春,如朝日,如百卉之萌动,如利刃之新发于硎,
- 12. The grinding heat is the important factor when the forfex is machined with gringing wheels.
- 砂轮磨削刀剪的过程中产生的磨削热是一个重要因素。
- 13. Farmers are grinding wheat in a mill.
- 农民们在磨房里磨面粉。
- 14. The knife is not sharp enough and need grinding.
- 这刀不快,需要磨了。
- 15. Women once spent long hours grinding grain by hand.
- 妇女曾经在手工研磨谷物上花上大半天的时间。
- 16. In the small village, some peasants were grinding wheat.
- 在小村庄里,一些农民正在磨小麦。
- 17. He immediately took the bait and started grinding against me.
- 他马上就上钩了,接着开始蹭我。
- 18. Growth is helping hundreds of millions to escape grinding poverty.
- 增长使数以亿计的人摆脱了赤贫。
- 19. I fear starting a neighborhood feud, but I'm also grinding my teeth.
- 我害怕邻居间开始长期不和,但是我对此也恨得咬牙切齿。
- 20. As experienced by most people, adoption is a slow, grinding process.
- 如大多数人经历的一样,收养是一个缓慢而艰难的过程。
- 21. And increasing Numbers of them are being born into grinding poverty.
- 其中出生在贫困家庭的婴儿数量正在日渐上升。
- 22. In a reenactment scene, Khmer men working with stone grinding construction.
- 旧时重现的现场,高棉人用石头打磨建筑。
- 23. They also lost the grinding molars that brown bears use to chew up plant matter.
- 它们也失去了棕熊用来咀嚼植物性食物所用的臼齿。
- 24. At the end of the summer Wall Street worried that growth was grinding to a halt.
- 就在今年夏天要结束之时,华尔街还担心经济增长会趋于停滞。
- 25. Take corporate computer programs away, and the economy comes to a grinding halt.
- 把所有的计算机程序去掉,整个经济将会咯吱咯吱地停下来。
- 26. He goes on to suggest that 360 reviews are often used for anonymous ax grinding.
- 他继续指出,经常会使用360度测评进行匿名评审。
- 27. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
- 两个女人一同推磨。要取去一个,撇下一个。
- 28. But this is where the parallels between the "norm" and myself come grinding to halt.
- 但这就是“普通”人和我自己这两条平行线相交而停止的地方。
- 29. But this is where the parallels between the "norm" and myself come grinding to halt.
- 但这就是“普通”人和我自己这两条平行线相交而停止的地方。