- 1. Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove. She loved nature and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.
- 赫本在一片平静的树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她更喜欢园艺和平静生活。
- 2. Being a woman and a mother, most of the things I buy are not glamourous or exciting.
- 作为一个女人和母亲,大部分我买的东西称不上独特或有趣,比方说卫生纸。
- 3. A very glamourous woman, she was accompanied by an unusually plain teenage daughter.
- 那是一位非常有魅力的女性,有一个非常单纯的十几岁的女儿陪伴着她。
- 4. They are glamourous, beautiful stones to have wrapped around ones wrist in a bracelet.
- 他们是富有魅力的,美丽的宝石有缠在手腕上的手链。
- 5. The Bathroom has luscious Italian marble and tile appropriate for the glamourous era of the home.
- 浴室有灿艳的意大利大理石和瓷砖,很是合适这栋房子富有魅力的时代。
- 6. Here is the girl we love who always impresses us with own-styled smile and glamourous eyes around...
- 这就是那个我们喜爱的女孩,一个拥有招牌式微笑和迷人双眸的女孩。
- 7. In this sound full of the sorrow of the past and the induration of the reality, I has understood the glamourous cat's rough life.
- 在这充满过去的伤感与现实的无情的歌声中,我理解了魅力猫的坎坷一生。
- 8. The delicate discs of authentic mother-of-pearl and the shiny metal plates give the lamp an airy still stylish and glamourous character.
- 精致的碟状珍珠贝母和闪亮的金属盘赋予这款灯迷人的风格,如同静止在空气中一般。
- 9. Kaiyuan Resort is a five-star property and the winner of the Top Ten Glamourous Hotels in China 2006 and the Top Ten Best Resorts in China 2006.
- 开元度假村为五星级,曾荣获“2006中国十大最具魅力酒店”和“2006中国十佳度假酒店”称号。
- 10. Guest star Hilary Duff was back on the Gossip Girl set today — this time sporting a much more glamourous look with her sparkly gold and black dress.
- 希拉里·达芙重回《绯闻女孩》片场,与上次的休闲装不同,今次的金色黑色相间裙装真是高贵华丽。
- 11. There are snow mountains just like those in canada, the great gorge in america, the primeval forest in colorado and the glamourous ponds in huangshi park.
- 这里有似加拿大的雪山,怀俄明州的峡谷,科罗拉多的原始森林,黄石公园的钙华彩池。
- 12. Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove, circa 1955. Hepburn loved nature, and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.
- 大约在1955年拍摄,赫本在一片平静的树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺和平静生活。
- 13. Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove, circa 1955. Hepburn loved nature, and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.
- 这张照片大约摄于1955年,赫本在一片棕榈树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺和平静的生活。
- 14. Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove, circa 1955. Hepburn loved nature, and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.
- 这张照片大约摄于1955年,赫本在一片棕榈树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺和平静的生活。