- 1. There is nothing on the fluoridation of water, and too little on nutrition.
- 书中也没有对饮水加氟法进行阐述,在营养学方面也较少被提及。
- 2. Oral health instruction, fissure sealing, fluoridation, caries filling, space retainer, deciduous root canal treatment, functional appliance.
- 口腔保健教育,窝沟封闭,儿童龋齿预防和治疗,预防性矫治。
- 3. Many studies and observations have demonstrated that drinking water fluoridation is the safest and the most economical public healthy measure.
- 国内外大量研究与观察证明饮水氟化是最安全、投入产出比最佳的预防龋齿的公共卫生措施。
- 4. Nearly 100 national and international organizations recognize the public health benefits of community water fluoridation for preventing dental caries.
- 近100个国家和国际组织认识到公共健康利益的社区水中加氟预防龋齿。
- 5. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have named fluoridation of water as one of the 10 most important public health measures of the 20th century.
- 疾病预防和控制中心已经称饮水的氟化为二十世纪十大公众卫生措施之一。
- 6. Its articles - whether about the sinister plot behind the fluoridation of water supplies or about the sun's cancer-curing properties - are widely Shared on social media.
- 它发布的文章——无论是关于供水氟化背后的阴谋或者大肆宣扬太阳的治癌特性——被广泛地转载于社交媒体。
- 7. Objective To evaluate the concentration of fluoride in the air of Nanzhuang, Xiaotang in Nanhai City and offer references for the water fluoridation schemes in the very areas.
- 目的了解南海市南庄、小塘两镇空气氟含量,为在当地进行饮水氟化项目提供参考。
- 8. The results have implications for public engagement across other controversial science issues, such as nuclear energy, climate change, vaccination and water fluoridation, the authors say.
- 作者称,这个结果也暗示了公众对于其他具有争议的科学问题的参与结果,如核能、气候变化、饮水加氟与疫苗接种等问题。
- 9. The American Dental Association, which has supported fluoridation of community water since 1950, says scientists continue to show adding the mineral to water is safe and aids tooth health.
- 美国牙齿组织,自1950年起支持水中氟化物,说科学家们持续的展示在水中添加矿物质是安全并对牙齿有益的。
- 10. Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
- 必要的公共卫生干预本质上就是家长式的:比如市政供水加氟处理、强制接种疫苗和法定传染病报告机制。
- 11. Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
- 必要的公共卫生干预本质上就是家长式的:比如市政供水加氟处理、强制接种疫苗和法定传染病报告机制。