- 1. John Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe.
- 在担任教皇期间,约翰·保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。
- 2. And we need extraordinary power for the task of local and world evangelization.
- 我们需要的任务非同寻常的力量当地和世界福。
- 3. Throughout his papacy, John Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe.
- 在担任教皇期间,约翰·保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。
- 4. To consolidate community life, the group should strengthen its activities of evangelization AD gentes.
- 为强化团体生活,应加强向外福传活动。
- 5. The media evangelization work of "Fountain of Love and Life" relies heavily on a group of dedicated volunteers.
- 《生命恩泉》的媒体福传工作全赖一班不辞劳苦的义工所推动。
- 6. They said they hoped the local Church could grasp this evangelization opportunity by holding many activities for the public good.
- 他们认为,这是福传的时机,希望教会能多传递社会公益信息和举办相关活动。
- 7. When he visited Toronto in 2007, Fountain of Love and Life did an interview with him, in which he Shared with us his evangelization journey.
- 他于2007年到访多伦多时接受了“生命恩泉”的访问﹐跟我们分享他的福传历程。
- 8. Through extremely successful evangelization, and the popularity of Linux, the misconception that OpenSource and the GPL are synonymous has become pervasive.
- 由于其传教式宣传方式十分成功,以及Linux的广为流行,“开源与GPL是同义词”的错误思想也到处弥漫。
- 9. The organizers of the first Chinese Catholic Evangelization Concert in Toronto share with us their passion in organizing concerts and their spiritual journeys.
- 一班福传音乐会筹委分享他们多年来筹划音乐会的目的和他们的信仰成长历程。
- 10. Catholic singer, Teresa Cheung, shares with us about her career, evangelization work, marriage, and the important role that her Catholic faith has played in her life.
- 公教艺人张德兰跟大家分享她的演艺生涯、福传工作、婚姻等等,以及天主教信仰在她生命中扮演的角色。
- 11. Catholic singer, Teresa Cheung, shares with us about her career, evangelization work, marriage, and the important role that her Catholic faith has played in her life.
- 公教艺人张德兰跟大家分享她的演艺生涯、福传工作、婚姻等等,以及天主教信仰在她生命中扮演的角色。