- 1. It was a good-humoured conference.
- 会议的气氛很愉快。
- 2. The conference will be held in Glasgow.
- 会议将在格拉斯哥举行。
- 3. He was a guest speaker at the conference.
- 他是会议的特邀演讲人。
- 4. Are you presenting a paper at the conference?
- 你要在大会上宣读论文吗?
- 5. The conference was hailed as a great success.
- 会议被称颂为一次巨大的成功。
- 6. Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.
- 这样的威胁可能会破坏和平会议。
- 7. There are daily conference calls with Washington.
- 与华盛顿方面有每日电话会议。
- 8. I've been saddled with organizing the conference.
- 我被派担当组织会议的重任。
- 9. The DOT is to publish the conference proceedings.
- 运输部将公布会议记录。
- 10. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.
- 该会议的主题是文艺复兴时期的欧洲。
- 11. They were pointedly absent from the news conference.
- 他们有意缺席了那场新闻发布会。
- 12. The largest conference room could seat 5,000 people.
- 最大的会议室可坐5千人。
- 13. The meetings are always in the main conference room.
- 会议总是在主会议室举行。
- 14. He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
- 在党员大会上他会很难过这一关。
- 15. The national conference on democracy ended ambiguously.
- 这次全国民主大会含糊其词地结束了。
- 16. He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.
- 他在阿姆斯特丹的一次记者招待会上做了评论。
- 17. The conference might reconvene after its opening session.
- 会议可能会在开幕式之后重新召集。
- 18. She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education.
- 她正在出席一个为期三天的有关艾滋病教育的会议。
- 19. We'll be able to assess the competition at the conference.
- 我们可以在会上对竞争对手进行估量。
- 20. The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
- 那次罢工选择在召开政党大会的同一时间举行。
- 21. She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference.
- 她在一次新闻发布会上就他的释放做出了回应。
- 22. The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.
- 会议主席设定明天中午为最后期限。
- 23. The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference.
- 约旦的领袖看起来愿意去参加一个会议。
- 24. All those invited to next week's peace conference have accepted.
- 所有应邀参加下周和平会议的人都已接受了邀请。
- 25. The minister faced a tough grilling at today's press conference.
- 部长在今天的记者招待会上受到了严厉的盘问。
- 26. Really it's a workmanlike conference rather than a dramatic one.
- 会议的确开得有板有眼,但并没有什么戏剧性。
- 27. Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.
- 各环保组织计划在会议期间举行一些公众抗议行动。
- 28. The conference is more or less over.
- 会议大致结束了。
- 29. The conference was very well organized.
- 这次会议组织得很好。
- 30. I'll look out for you at the conference.
- 我会在开会时来找你。