- 1. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee based Dill on her childhood friend, Truman Capote.
- 在《杀死一只知更鸟》中,哈珀·李以她儿时的朋友杜鲁门·卡波特为原型塑造了迪尔。
- 2. She winked at me, but it was humorless; a wink of warning (Truman Capote).
- 她向我使了个眼色,但那一点儿也不幽默;一个警告的眼色(杜鲁门·卡波特)。
- 3. He is one of the few people acknowledged by Capote at the start of the book.
- 他是卡波特在书的开篇少数鸣谢的人之一。
- 4. "She winked at me, but it was humorless; a wink of warning" (Truman Capote).
- “她向我使了个眼色,但那一点儿也不幽默;一个警告的眼色”(杜鲁门·卡波特)。
- 5. She agreed to accompany Capote to act as what he called his "assistant researchist".
- 她同意陪同卡波特,做他所称的“助理研究员”。
- 6. In Cold Blood is a masterpiece of Truman Capote, a representative writer of new journalism.
- 《冷血》是美国新新闻主义代表作家楚曼·卡波特的一部力作。
- 7. The Hopes too remain fans, cherishing the first-edition copy that Capote autographed for them.
- 厚普一家也是此书的支持者,他们珍藏了有卡波特亲笔签名的第一版。
- 8. The story of how it came to be written became the 2005 movie Capote, followed by Infamous the following year.
- 2005年的电影《卡波特》则讲述了此书的完成过程,第二年,又一部影片《声名狼藉》讲述同一故事。
- 9. While Capote held forth, Harper Lee accompanied Delores into the kitchen, where they bonded over cooking a goose.
- 卡波特滔滔不绝的时候,哈泼·李就陪着德罗丽丝到厨房,一起做鹅肉。
- 10. Capote doesn't shrink from exploring the brutality of the killers, but he also forces us to consider their wounded humanity.
- 卡波特并没有在探究凶手的残忍性这方面逡巡不前,他还迫使我们去思考他们那受伤的人性。
- 11. Philip Seymour Hoffman, the Oscar-winning star of Capote and one of the most acclaimed actors of screen and stage, has died at age 46.
- 菲利普·西摩·霍夫曼,这位因《卡波特》获得奥斯卡影帝,在荧幕和舞台上都广受赞誉的演员去世了,终年46岁。
- 12. Capote died of excess six years after this photo was taken — to which his bitter rival Gore Vidal supposedly quipped, "Good career move."
- 在拍摄这幅照片的六年之后卡波特就逝世了,而他的老对手戈尔维达尔对此曾经故意调侃道,“我事业的春天来了”。
- 13. The French aristocracy then learned of these useful items from their English friends and called them "Capote Anglaise" - English Raincoats.
- 法国贵族后来从他们英国朋友处得知这些有用玩意,并将之称为“英国雨衣”。
- 14. Years before the huge success of his "non-fiction novel" in Cold Blood, Truman Capote had already staked out a distinctive place in Hollywood.
- 在他独创的“非虚构小说”《冷血》大获成功之前,杜鲁门·卡波特已经在好莱坞谋得一席之地了。
- 15. Hope was the Clutters' family lawyer, and arranged for Capote to look around River Valley farm so he could describe firsthand the murder scene.
- 厚普先生是克拉特家庭的律师,他们为卡波特作好安排,到河谷农场周围进行观察,让卡波特能对直接的凶杀场景进行描述。
- 16. Mr Schultz, whose previous subject was Truman Capote, makes a scholarly stab at penetrating Arbus's "secrets", hampered as he is by lack of material.
- 舒尔茨先生上一部书的主题有关杜鲁门·卡波特,他在洞析阿勃丝的“秘密”中做了一个学者式的直入,却被他材料的缺乏而困累。
- 17. That was how Truman Capote summed up the murders with somewhat greater drama, referring to the four Clutter victims and their two attackers who died later on the gallows.
- 杜鲁门·卡波特用戏剧化的语言概括了这场凶杀案,他指的六个人是克拉特家的四个受害者,以及被处以绞刑的两名入侵者。
- 18. Rupp recalls that in the one interview he granted Capote, most of the questions were asked by Harper Lee, so much so that "sometimes I wonder who really wrote that book".
- 鲁普记得,在一次卡波特对他的采访中,大部分问题都是哈泼·李提出了,所以“有时候我都怀疑那本书到底是谁写的”。
- 19. The Kennedys, the Eisenhowers, Truman Capote, Somerset Maugham and “nearly every prominent royal or heiress in Europe”; they all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok.
- 肯尼迪家族、艾森豪威尔家族、杜鲁门•卡波特、萨默塞特•毛姆和“几乎每一位著名的欧洲王室成员及女性王位继承人”在大驾光临曼谷时,无一例外都前往吉姆的住所与他共进晚餐。
- 20. As Christmas approached in 1959, Delores took pity on Capote and Harper Lee, imagining them sitting in their hotel rooms with nowhere to go. So she invited them to Christmas lunch.
- 随着1959年圣诞节的临近,德罗丽丝想到卡波特和哈泼·李在酒店房间里,也没什么地方去,出于同情,她邀请他们共进圣诞午餐。
- 21. With the help of the Hopes, Capote and Harper Lee went on to inveigle themselves into the lives of other key figures in town, notably the Deweys with whom Capote became lifelong friends.
- 在厚普的帮助下,卡波特和哈泼·李继续投入到镇上其它主要人物的生活中,尤其是杜威一家,卡波特后来跟他们成了一生的好友。
- 22. He said he'd never "had the annoyance" of meeting Truman Capote, who apparently sicced various "crazy people" on him, people who all closed their letters by saying that Truman sent his best regards.
- 他说,他从来没有见过杜鲁门·卡波特,因为觉得他令人“感到厌烦”。显然卡波特指使了各种“疯狂的人”来骚扰他,那些人总在给他写的信里最后说,卡波特请他们转达他本人对他的问候。
- 23. Capote was 5ft 4in, openly gay, with a squeaky voice and flamboyant fashion sense, as portrayed brilliantly by Philip Seymour Hoffman in his Oscar-winning role in Capote, and Toby Jones in Infamous.
- 卡波特身高5英尺4英寸,是个公开的同性恋者,声音短促而尖利,平时潮流又奢华。在《卡波特》和《声名狼藉》,赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角的菲利普·西摩·霍夫以及演员曼托比·琼斯把他演绎得栩栩如生。
- 24. Capote was 5ft 4in, openly gay, with a squeaky voice and flamboyant fashion sense, as portrayed brilliantly by Philip Seymour Hoffman in his Oscar-winning role in Capote, and Toby Jones in Infamous.
- 卡波特身高5英尺4英寸,是个公开的同性恋者,声音短促而尖利,平时潮流又奢华。在《卡波特》和《声名狼藉》,赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角的菲利普·西摩·霍夫以及演员曼托比·琼斯把他演绎得栩栩如生。