- 1. There is a lot of political brinkmanship involved in this latest development.
- 最新的进展牵扯了很多边缘政治政策。
- 2. It's a kind of brinkmanship.
- 这是一种边缘政策。
- 3. So now the brinkmanship begins.
- 因此,现在边缘政策开始大行其道。
- 4. Timing Of Attack Points To Brinkmanship, Experts say.
- 边缘政策的攻击时间点。
- 5. This is a season of dangerous brinkmanship in America.
- 现在美国正处危险的紧急政策中。
- 6. But this time his brinkmanship pushes events over the brink.
- 但是这次他的边缘政策玩过火了。
- 7. There is no gainsaying the fact that brinkmanship is a dangerous game.
- 我并不否认[猜疑/怀疑]你所说的是事实。
- 8. If so, it's a game of brinkmanship that comes with great risk for the ECB.
- 如果是这样的话,那么欧洲央行就是在冒着严重风险,进行边缘政策的博弈。
- 9. Its negotiating style is marked by bluster, foot-dragging, blackmail and brinkmanship.
- 它的谈判风格就是以威吓,拖延,敲诈和边缘政策为特点的。
- 10. In spite of the brinkmanship, the parties endorsed a budget for 2011 without falling off the edge.
- 尽管这次会议提出了边缘政策,但两党都赞同的2011年预算均没有超过预算边界。
- 11. AFTER a week of brinkmanship, it seemed that the effort to save Chrysler from bankruptcy had failed.
- 在一周的边缘政策之后,似乎克莱斯勒破产已成必然。
- 12. As today's Wall Street Journal article notes, late - state negotiations often full of brinkmanship.
- 正如今天《华尔街日报》文章所指出的,谈判的最后阶段总是充满着边缘策略,最后反而会绝处逢生。
- 13. The brinkmanship could go on for months and there might be more half-rescues like the one in October.
- 边缘政策可能会实行一个月,期间可能会出台更多的半救援计划,10月份就出台了一项。
- 14. Did Rooney win, his brinkmanship forcing the club to offer a more lucrative contract than it intended?
- 鲁尼赢了吗,他的边缘政策迫使俱乐部提供了一份比原定计划更丰厚的合同?
- 15. They have eased relations with Japan and, horrified by the nuclear brinkmanship of Kim Jong Il, mediated with Korea.
- 他们缓和了与日本的关系,并为金II的核边缘政策担惊受怕,并为此与韩国联手调解。
- 16. The latest round of budget brinkmanship — the third in six months — underscored the depths of congressional dysfunction.
- 最新一轮的预算边缘政策(六个月中的第三轮)强调了国会在履职上失调的程度。
- 17. Third, America's politicians are, once again, threatening to wreck the recovery with irresponsible fiscal brinkmanship.
- 第三,美国的政客们又一次以不负责任的财政紧急政策正在威胁破坏金融复苏。
- 18. Mr Harper and Mr Ignatieff both seem to have given up on making an increasingly rancorous and unproductive parliament work, and have turned to brinkmanship.
- 哈珀和伊格纳·蒂夫似乎都已放弃了可能遭致怨恨抑或很可能白忙一场的议会工作,转而开始关注边缘政策。
- 19. The chances of the euro zone being smashed apart have risen alarmingly, thanks to financial panic, a rapidly weakening economic outlook and pigheaded brinkmanship.
- 由于金融恐慌、急剧恶化的经济前景和对边缘政策(brinkmanship,译注一)的愚蠢坚持,欧元区解体的可能性已经上升到令人吃惊的程度。
- 20. This gave the initiative to the Republicans, who now say, plausibly, that without their brinkmanship there would still have been no start on bringing the debt under control.
- 这可让共和党人抓住了机会,振振有辞地声称,若非他们的边缘政策,控制债务只怕还远没有开头。
- 21. It has also turned Niger into a bellwether for those who fear that the struggle to secure the continent's resources risks re-creating the ruinous brinkmanship of the cold war.
- 此外,对于那些担忧非洲大陆资源争夺战可能重新导致冷战时期灾难性的边缘政策的人而言,中国此举将尼日尔推到了领头羊的位置。
- 22. One is the chilling specter of sovereign default, something that never should have come up in the United States but did for a while because of the reckless brinkmanship of House Republicans.
- 一个是可怕的主权违约,一些本不应该出现在美国却因众议院共和党不计后果的边缘政策而存在了一段时间。
- 23. On February 2nd, after much delay and brinkmanship, the education department finally admitted that it had killed off the state 11-plus exam but was unable to come up with a replacement.
- 2月2日,在延迟多天并采取紧急措施后,英国教育部门最终承认扼杀了11plus考试,但无法出台更好的替代考试。
- 24. The country’s leaders at last ended a ludicrously irresponsible bout of fiscal brinkmanship, removing the threat of global financial Armageddon by agreeing to raise the federal debt ceiling.
- 领导人在最后关头结束了可笑而不负责任的财政问题对峙局面,同意提高联邦债务上限,从而消除了全球金融大灾难的危险。
- 25. The country’s leaders at last ended a ludicrously irresponsible bout of fiscal brinkmanship, removing the threat of global financial Armageddon by agreeing to raise the federal debt ceiling.
- 领导人在最后关头结束了可笑而不负责任的财政问题对峙局面,同意提高联邦债务上限,从而消除了全球金融大灾难的危险。