- 1. Heidi, thoughtfully looking at the backless chairs, remarked, "Grandfather, I don't think she would sit down on those."
- 海蒂若有所思地看着那些没有靠背的椅子,说:“爷爷,我想她不会坐在那些椅子上的。”
- 2. A stool is a backless and armless seat.
- 凳子就是既没有靠背又没有扶手的椅子。
- 3. No athletic shoes, clogs, and backless shoes will be permitted.
- 运动鞋,脚链,还有没有跟的鞋是不允许的。
- 4. This season team's backless stool depth will still be a soft rib.
- 本赛季球队的板凳深度将依然是个软肋。
- 5. Ha, presented three quarrels probably, on backless stool's people have stood.
- 哇噢,好象出现了三次争吵,板凳上的人都站了起来。
- 6. I want it sleeveless and backless, this dress, so no one has to guess what's underneath.
- 它应该是无袖的并且露背的,人们就不用去想这样的裙子到底包裹着怎样的身体。
- 7. On a recent day all seats were full in the simple restaurant, where diners sit on backless chairs and eat from plain white dishes.
- 最近的一天,这家小饭馆里座无虚席,顾客们坐在无背座椅上,饭菜都盛在普通的白色碗碟里。
- 8. Upon finally coming on stage, Monroe stunned the audience with her backless flesh coloured gown with 2, 500 rhinestones sewn into it.
- 千呼万唤使出来,一席缀有2500颗莱茵石的裸色露背长裙让梦露惊艳全场。
- 9. After practices, players lounge on backless bleachers or sprawl on the floor, icing their knees and feet. Most do so in solitude, because media attention has been scant.
- 练习结束后,大家懒洋洋地躺在露天阳台上,有的干脆直接躺在地板上,大部分人自己冰敷着膝盖和脚。
- 10. The pebbles intrinsic spirit and the Chinese backless stool concept's utilization convey one kind of life experience which the Chinese Unique behavior, Chinese simple behavior sublimation.
- 中国板凳概念与卵石的内在精神的结合运用都传达了中国人独有的一种生活体验与行为,是中国人朴素行为的升华。
- 11. They sat in a semi-open-air coffee shop, where he self-consciously ordered a Tiger beer and she shifted uncomfortably on the backless plastic stool with a round hole in the center of its seat.
- 在半室外的咖啡厅,他下意识的点了一杯老虎啤酒而她则很不舒服地坐在没有靠背,中间还有一个洞的凳子上。
- 12. They sat in a semi-open-air coffee shop, where he self-consciously ordered a Tiger beer and she shifted uncomfortably on the backless plastic stool with a round hole in the center of its seat.
- 在半室外的咖啡厅,他下意识的点了一杯老虎啤酒而她则很不舒服地坐在没有靠背,中间还有一个洞的凳子上。