- 1. This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.
- 这种绝对主义的信念被规则可以变通的认识所取代。
- 2. Thats a pretty absolutist claim.
- 这真是一个绝对论者的声明。
- 3. One might, for example, be an Absolutist about liberal and a Relativist about vocational education.
- 例如,一个人可以关于自由是一个绝对主义者并且关于职业教育是一个相对主义者。
- 4. We see that, above all, in how the recent debate has been obscured by two opposite and absolutist ends.
- 我们看到这一点,尤其看到最近发生的辩论如何因两个极端对立的观点坠入迷雾。
- 5. "That underscored to me how absolutist Alan was in his opposition to any regulation," she said in the interview.
- “它突出表现出阿兰反对任何管束的立场是完全彻底的”,她在访问中说。
- 6. She does not take the absolutist view that companies should strive only to maximise profits while obeying the rules.
- 然而,伯恩斯坦并没有独断地认为公司的目标就只是在遵守规则的前提下实现利润最大化。
- 7. We need to talk about historiography, to surface this process, to challenge absolutist narratives of the past, and thus, those of the present and our future.
- 我们有谈论历史编辑的必要,就是要将该过程呈现给大家,就是要挑战对过去,现在与未来的绝对性叙述。
- 8. The philosophy of Objectivism also takes a morally absolutist stance, as it regards the laws of morality to be, like the laws of physics, inherent in the universe itself.
- 客观主义哲学也站在道德绝对主义立场上,认为道德律令,与自然规律一样是内在于宇宙之中的。
- 9. Though philosophers have a natural penchant for being, Absolutists when they write about education, it is surprisingly hard to find good examples of this position-was Plato an Absolutist?
- 虽然哲学家作为人有一种自然的喜好,但绝对主义者当他们论述教育时,令人称奇的是在这一观点上很难发现一个好的例子——柏拉图是一个绝对主义者吗?
- 10. You don't forget such episodes-the truly innocent at the mercy of the truly evil-and they lead directly into the absolutist morals of Larsson's books, which may also be a powerful selling point.
- 无辜者的命运任由恶魔来支配,书中类似的情境让人过目难忘,从而使拉赫松的三部曲呈现出绝对论的道德观,不过这同时也是这套小说强大的卖点之一。
- 11. You don't forget such episodes-the truly innocent at the mercy of the truly evil-and they lead directly into the absolutist morals of Larsson's books, which may also be a powerful selling point.
- 无辜者的命运任由恶魔来支配,书中类似的情境让人过目难忘,从而使拉赫松的三部曲呈现出绝对论的道德观,不过这同时也是这套小说强大的卖点之一。