- 1. Department of Tatar people in 1897.
- 系塔塔尔族人士于1897年。
- 2. Long ago the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood.
- 在以色列人出埃及前很久,唯一鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。
- 3. However, it was not the end of the Swedish-Tatar alliance.
- 然而,这并不是瑞典—鞑靼同盟的终结。
- 4. The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy, androgynous, Tatar image.
- 这段时期有着狂放鞑靼男孩很明显的印记。
- 5. Tatar tear out four, according to Hulunbeier grassland, increase in strength.
- 灭塔塔儿撕四部,据呼伦贝尔草原,实力大增。
- 6. The questions arising round Zubu and Tatar may be called a puzzle of the last century.
- 阻卜与鞑靼之谜堪称一道世纪难题。
- 7. Meanwhile, Exxon and its partners have just sent their first oil across the Tatar Strait.
- 与此同时,美孚公司和它的合作伙伴们也已经将第一批石油输送过了鞑靼海峡。
- 8. It was the third attempt of a joint Swedish-Tatar invasion of Russia that gave practical results.
- 第三次瑞典—鞑靼联合入侵露西亚的企图给出了实际结果。
- 9. Saban festival is only celebrated joyously by Tatar people and has plentiful cultural connotations.
- “萨班节”是塔塔尔族特有的传统节日,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。
- 10. The new Tatar embassy that visited Sweden in 1637 with an offer of alliance? Against any enemies? Yielded no results either K.
- 新的鞑靼使团带着一份“反对一切敌人”的联盟议案在1637年访问了瑞典,也没有取得结果K。
- 11. When in April 1632 he returned to Stockholm accompanied by the new Tatar ambassador Nurali Oghlan, the King had already left for the war.
- 当1632年4月,他陪同新的鞑靼大使努尔阿里·敖格兰返回斯德哥尔摩时,古斯塔夫国王已经离开,赶赴战场。
- 12. The death of the Swedish King that followed soon prompted the Chancellor Axel Oxenstjerna to politely decline the offer of Tatar support g.
- 瑞典国王去世促使首相阿克塞尔·奥克森斯蒂耳不久之后礼貌地拒绝鞑靼提供的支持G。
- 13. Uzbek is the predominant ethnic group. Other ethnic groups include Russian 5.5%, Tajik 15%, Korean 4.7%, Kazakh 3%, Karakalpak 2.5%, and Tatar 1.5%.
- 乌兹·别克人是主要的种群,占总人口的80%,另外的种群包括俄罗斯人5.5%,塔吉克人15%,韩国人4.7%,哈萨克人3%,卡拉卡尔帕克人2.5%,和塔塔尔人1.5%。
- 14. Already in August 1709 the Khan offered Charles a Tatar escort of up to 40 thousand horsemen which would accompany him from Turkey via Poland to Swedish Pomerania.
- 早在1709年8月,汗提议提供查理一支人数高达4万骑兵的鞑靼护卫队,陪同他从土耳其经波兰到瑞典的波美·拉尼亚。
- 15. The first part comb out the history, district, festival of Tatar minority and introduce mainly Qitai county Daquan countryside, which is named Tatar minority countryside.
- 论文第一章梳理了塔塔尔族的历史沿革、分布格局及其节日,重点介绍了奇台县大泉塔塔尔民族乡的概况。
- 16. The military nobility of the golden horde which consisted of bulgar and kupchak aristocracy clans was formed at the same time presenting a type of new tatar community consciousness.
- 包括保加尔和库普切克的贵族家族在内的金帐汗国的军事贵族在同一时间形成,呈现出新的鞑靼社会意识。
- 17. The military nobility of the golden horde which consisted of bulgar and kupchak aristocracy clans was formed at the same time presenting a type of new tatar community consciousness.
- 包括保加尔和库普切克的贵族家族在内的金帐汗国的军事贵族在同一时间形成,呈现出新的鞑靼社会意识。