- 1. SOME people call him "Guidone" -big Guido.
- 有的人叫他“吉多尼”——也就是“大”吉多。
- 2. In a blog entry from 2007, Guido wrote about how Python 3.0 was conceived.
- 在2007年的一篇博文中,Guido写到了Python 3.0的构思。
- 3. Should someone develop in Python 2.6 or 3.0? Guido made this observation?
- 是应该选择python 2.6还是3.0来进行开发?
- 4. Incredible hand painting art created by talented Italian artist Guido Daniele.
- 奇异的动物手绘艺术作品,由天才意大利艺术家Guido Daniele创作,惟妙惟肖,令人叫绝。
- 5. Guido van Rossum: In 1986 I moved to a different project at CWI, the Amoeba project.
- Guidovan Rossum: 1986年,我转向了CWI的另一个叫Amoeba(阿米巴虫)的项目。
- 6. It is the FDP's head, Guido Westerwelle, whose leadership is now most under threat.
- 目前自民党党首基多·威斯特威勒的领导地位面临着最大威胁。
- 7. WHEN Guido Westerwelle stumbles, his usual stratagem is to pretend nothing happened.
- 当吉多·韦斯特·韦勒被绊了一下时,他通常的策略是假装什么都没发生。
- 8. Guido and I had a simple nice lunch. I made chicken, carrots, spinach and mashed potato.
- 罗罗和我的简餐(中饭)。我做了鸡肉,胡萝卜,菠菜和土豆泥。
- 9. This is the story of what happens to Guido and Antonia when they decide to have a child.
- 这是发生在圭多和安东尼亚的时候,他们决定要一个孩子的故事。
- 10. And indeed full unicode support is one of the main aspects that have changed. Guido wrote.
- 而其中对unicode的全面支持则是变革的一个主要方面。
- 11. The German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has arrived in Tehran to accompany them home.
- 德国外长韦斯特韦勒(GuidoWesterwelle)已抵达德黑兰,陪他们回家。
- 12. Guido van Rossum is the author of Python, an interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language.
- Guidovan Rossum是Python的作者,Python是一门解释性的、交互式面向对象编程语言。
- 13. Without such measures, says the finance minister, Guido Mantega, the real would be at 1.4 to the dollar.
- 财长曼特加说,如果不实行这样的措施,美元对雷亚尔的汇率将达到1.4。
- 14. Guido van der Werf of the Free University of Amsterdam, who wrote the paper, reckons the figure is closer to 12%.
- 这篇文章的作者,阿姆斯特丹自由大学的Guidovander Werf认为该数值只有不到12%。
- 15. The German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, also opposed military action and called for tougher sanctions.
- 德国外长也表示反对军事行动以及呼吁更严厉的制裁。
- 16. Guido said the standout features in Python 3.0 are, "Much better Unicode support, and cleanup of collected 'cruft'".
- Guido说Python 3.0最出色的特性便是,“对Unicode的更好的支持,对各种'垃圾'进行清理”。
- 17. Guido van Rossum: What made the lack of file support in the ABC language worse was that it wasn't easy to extend ABC.
- Guidovan rossum:让abc里的缺位的文件支持雪上加霜的是,要扩展abc语言并非易事。
- 18. Samp have already handed Guido Marilungo to Atalanta and look set to release Pozzi towards Parma in an exchange of loans.
- 将马里伦戈交易到亚特兰大后,桑普准备用波齐与帕尔马进行互租。
- 19. Guido believes that his work is so well received because hands - after the face - are the most expressive part of the body.
- 圭尼坚信他的作品会广受好评,因为手部是除面部外最有表现力的身体部位。
- 20. Its creator, Guido van Rossum, wanted a language that, like Perl, would make it easy to do easy tasks yet also support hard tasks.
- 它的创造者Guidovan Rossum想要一种语言,像Perl一样,可以很容易完成容易的任务,还支持困难的任务。
- 21. Bang ahead of me, Daniel Day-Lewis, playing the lead, Guido, is dressed in a forties-style waistcoat, a white shirt, and beige pants.
- 在我前面的,就是丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis),他扮演男主角圭多。 他穿着一件四十年代风格的背心,一件白色衬衫和米色裤子。
- 22. Guido Westerwelle, Germany's foreign minister, echoed that commitment, insisting that Berlin is ready to act quickly in order to protect the euro.
- 德国外长韦斯特·韦勒(GuidoWesterwelle)回应这一承诺,强调为保护欧元柏林会快速采取行动。
- 23. The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900.
- 这顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子吉多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马为其第二任妻子瑞典公主凯塔琳娜定制的。
- 24. The foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, called for a new risk analysis of the country’s nuclear plants, particularly regarding their cooling systems.
- 外长基多·威斯特威勒则呼吁对该国的核电站进行一次新的风险分析,尤其是其冷却系统。
- 25. Python creator Guido van Rossum talks with Bill Venners about Python's history, the influence of the ABC language, and Python's original design goals.
- Python 之父GuidovanRossum 就 Python的历史、ABC语言的影响,以及 Python最初的设计目标进行了一次谈话。
- 26. The artist Guido Daniele has created such beautiful art works on the human hand, (which are not only super real), but take the art form to new heights.
- 艺术家吉多·丹尼尔已经在人手上创作了很多漂亮的艺术品(远不止是神似),并把手部彩绘艺术推向一个新高度。
- 27. The city of Naples lies at its base, and up to 650,000 people may live on its slopes, according to Guido Bertolaso, the head of Italy's civil protection agency.
- 根据意大利民事保护机构的负责人贝尔·多拉索(GuidoBertolaso),那不勒斯市就建立在这样的基础上,有多达650,000人可能住在这样的山坡上。
- 28. The city of Naples lies at its base, and up to 650, 000 people may live on its slopes, according to Guido Bertolaso, the head of Italy's civil protection agency.
- 根据意大利民事保护机构的负责人贝尔·多拉索(GuidoBertolaso),那不勒斯市就建立在这样的基础上,有多达650,000人可能住在这样的山坡上。
- 29. The city of Naples lies at its base, and up to 650, 000 people may live on its slopes, according to Guido Bertolaso, the head of Italy's civil protection agency.
- 根据意大利民事保护机构的负责人贝尔·多拉索(GuidoBertolaso),那不勒斯市就建立在这样的基础上,有多达650,000人可能住在这样的山坡上。