
tax burden ratio

tax burden ratio

  • 翻译:税负率


1)tax burden ratio,税负率2)rate of subjective tax,主观税负率3)tax rate,税负率峰值4)rate of macroscopic tax burden,宏观税负率5)government income burden rate,政府收入税负率6)tax income burden rate,税收收入税负率


This article proposes the concept of macro tax burden and discusses three different indicators of tax burden,which are tax income burden rate,fiscal income burden rate and government income burden rate respectively,and at last compares the tax burden of our country with that of the world averagely.


This article proposes the concept of macro tax burden and discusses three different indicators of tax burden,which are tax income burden rate,fiscal income burden rate and government income burden rate respectively,and at last compares the tax burden of our country with that of the world averagely.

