In the play, he lies in the core and is a character with plasticity because he can be considered as an un-filial son, evildoer, deceiver as well as a filial son.
According to Zengshen s study,there are three level of filial piety,by which the Liang Moutain filial sons are classified.
These objectively confirm that "Xiaogan is Dongyong s native place" and "Xiaogan is filial sons hometown".
文章通过孝感孝文化艺术中大量以“董永和七仙女”为题材的多种艺术形式的优秀代表作和世代流传的艺术精品 ,以及在广大人民群众生活中所表现的孝心、孝行 ,客观地印证了“孝感是董永故里”和“孝感是孝子之乡”。