voice vote

  • 翻译:口头表决


1)voice vote,口头表决2)oral,口头3)viva voce,口头4)verbal autopsy,口头尸检5)Oral input,口头输入6)Oral expression,口头表达7)spoken discourse,口头语篇8)oral consulting,口头咨询9)oral communication,口头表达10)oral instruction,口头指令


The discussing shows that there are two main kinds of assessment styles existed in teaching PE which are oral assessment and written assessment.

一般而言 ,体育课所采用的教学评价方式主要有口头评价和书面评价两种 。

OBJECTIVE To analyze the cause of death in 5~60 years population in Hechi city and the result of assessment of cause of death by using verbal autopsy.


However, oral input is not favored as much as w.


Therefore,it is very important to improve the oral expression of college students,and that requires college teachers to do more researches on that.

在当今的时代背景下 ,人与人的交流不断加剧 ,人的社会化程度不断提高 ,科学技术革命对人的交流协作组织能力提出了新的要求 ,人的生活方式、就业方式和工作方式发生了较大的变化 ,从适应时代发展的层面上讲 ,提高大学生的口头表达能力具有十分重要的意义。

This paper expounds the detailed requirements for oral expression in gymnastics teaching and puts forward the steps and forms in training oral expression ability.


This paper probes into the functions of intonation in the spoken discourse from a new perspective of discourse analysis, which is a full explanation to intonation.


This leads to thinkings about sense and concrete measures of promoting "asking system of job responsibility" for ordinary post in library, mainly in oral consulting service.


Generally speaking,stress is the main cause of the ineffectiveness of oral communication.

