The link of comparative criticism of ancient Chinese poetry is mainly showed in two systems: one is the scattered application of comparative criticism of the pattern, style, model and theme of portry; the other is the concentrated application of comparative criticism which mainly appeared in the works of Zhong Rong , Zhang Jie, Gao Bing and Wang Shizhen, etc.
The link of Chinese ancient literature comparative criticism mainly shows in two systems: one is in the different literary forms, such as poetry, prose, ci-poetry, drama and novel criticism; the other is the link of concentrated applying, which appeared in the works of Zhong Rong, Zhang Jie, Wang Shi-zhen, Lv Tian-cheng, Qi Biao-jia, Chen Ting-zhuo and Jing Shen-tan, etc.
His ways of making literary appraisal could be pided into following three groups: criticism of poetic rhetorical devices, criticism of poetic styles and criticism of poetry comparison.
The Contrast Research of Characters Criticism in JinPingmei of Zhangzhu-po and WenLong;
Feminist Criticism Comparative Study of Liu Siqian and Dai Jinhua
Different Views under the Banner of"Humanity"--A Comparison of Literary Criticism between Li Jianwu and Shen Congwen;
It is easier to criticize.
Towards a Theory of Cultural Translation Criticism Based on a Comparison between Chinese and Western Traditions;
Comparison and Criticism on Marking Part of Speech in Modern Chinese Dictionaries;
Criticising Comparative Research between Chinese and Greek Myth in Late 20th Century;
An Analysis on Bi and Xing of Wenxindiaolong--Comparing with the Notion about Metaphor of the New Criticism;
The Two Methods of Studying the Film;
Comparison of Differences in Textual View between New Criticism and New Historical Literature Criticism;
Constructing an Overpass for Literary Criticism:A Comparison of Abram s Analytic Scheme and Keesey s Conceptual Scheme in the Theory of Literary Criticism;
Modern Chinese Artistic Criticism--Comparison between Chinese Impressionist Criticism and West One in 1930s;
Ecocriticism and Interdisciplinary Studies;
Understanding of the Differences: Comparing the Standard of Literary Criticism between Marx and Engels
Post-colonial Criticism of "The Children of Huangshi" in Comparative Literature Vision;
A Comparative Study of the Heterogeneity of Chinese and Western Literary Theories--New Criticism in China;
A Comparison Between Two News Reports in a Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis;
Sino-Western Comparative Perspective in the Construction of the History of Chinese Literary Criticism;