
detonating explosive

detonating explosive

  • 翻译:起爆炸药


1)detonating explosive,起爆炸药2)electroexplosive,电起爆炸药3)Initiation,起爆4)Ignition,起爆5)initiation of explosion,起爆6)initiation of detonation,起爆


The in situ synthesized detonating explosive(EIS) was separated and purified by certain solvents.

起爆炸药的种类很多 [1] ,其中斯蒂酚酸铅 ( 2 ,4,6-三硝基间苯二酚铅 ( THPC) )与四氮烯的混合物对针刺敏感 ,故常用作火帽中无锈蚀击发药代替雷管的主要成分或针刺雷管的副药 。

Desensitive Ammunition and New Techniques of Safe Reliable Initiation;


Study on Short-duration Pulse Initiation Sensitivity of ANBDF;


Cloud initiation and detonation are dependent on delay time of ignition,initi-ating energy,detonating limit,initiating method and position.


Among all the factors affecting the performance of EFP s shaping, method of ignition is the most important one.

借助脉冲 X光摄像实验检验了起爆方式对 EFP成形性能的影响 ,其后 ,根据紫铜平板药型罩压痕实验的结果 ,利用爆轰波理论分析了起爆方式影响 EFP成形的机理 。

In this article, copper plate impression experiments of explosive charges with the same article number, the same charge density, different charge calibres and different charge heights have been carried out under the condition of two point ignition at the same time at the upside end of the charge.

利用相同装药品号 ,相同装药密度 ,不同装药直径 ,不同装药高度的园柱形装药 ,端面两点对称布置 ,同时起爆情况下的紫铜平板药型罩压痕实验 ,及对实验结果的数据处理 ,得到了爆轰马赫波的载荷特性及传播规律的量化关

It has been found that three of the reaction rate equation coefficients,namely the ignition factor I,the burning growth factor G and the coupling factor X,can each find their correspondence with the respective features of the shock initiation process.

