
  • 翻译:前置修饰


1)premodifier,前置修饰2)premodifier,前置修饰语3)premodifiers,前置修饰语4)Pre head modification,前置修饰词5)compound pre-modifier,合成前置修饰语6)multiple premodifiers,多项前置修饰语


In business English,non-finite verbs are often used as modifiers:premodifier or postmodifier.

在商务英语中常见非限定动词做修饰语 ,有前置修饰或后置修饰的特点 ,有不同的表现意义 ,起着限制性与非限制性的作用 ,相当于定语从句或其它分句。

Both nouns and adjectives can serve as premodifiers.


篢hrough the analyses of the translations,this article Probes into the conver-sion of the English noun phrases made up by premodifier+noun into Chinese sentencesor subject-predicate phrases in the course of English-Chinese translation and sums upthe features and the situations of this conversion.


Based on the theory of subcategorization in cognitive linguistics, this article mainly deals with the cognitive function and characteristics of premodifiers and postmodifiers in English noun phrases.


This paper aims to make a contrastive study of the ordering of multiple premodifiers in English and Chinese in terms of their functions, word classes and semantic categories.


One obvious trend in the development of the English language is the use of premodifiers, including nouns used as premodifiers.

现代英语的明显发展趋势之一就是前置修饰现象 ,包括名词作前置修饰语的使用越来越普遍。

It is predicted that compound pre-modifier is widely used in journalistic English and is an important trend in the development of modern English.


This thesis is intended to provide a cognitive-functional framework for a contrastive analysis of the ordering of multiple premodifiers in English and Chinese descriptive nominal constructions.

