Upper reaches

  • 翻译:上游河段


1)Upper reaches,上游河段2)upstream,上游3)products upstream,上游产品4)upper reaches of Pearl River,珠江上游5)upstream business,上游业务6)upper reaches of Yangtze River,长江上游


The investigation and research on the blow down and water quality of Fen River upstream;


The study on Company Z s strategy to develop upstream shows the analysis of development strategy driven by the upstream business;reveals the impact in five aspects of the competitive environments during the practice of upstream strategy;and presents the key problems of target selection,acquisition identification,and.


Analysis on Karst rocky desertification in upper reaches of Pearl River based on remote sensing;


In order to probe environmental effect and ecological security of upper reaches of Pearl River,the author chooses Guanling autonomous county of the Buyi and Miao as a base of research and comprehensively assets activities of this region since 1978 from the angle of historical and present situation by using mathematic model and AHP.


From the strategies of these multinational petroleum corporations,several traits are emerging: the upstream business is strengthened and put in the core place;the upstream business is moving out of America and Europe;natural gas and renewable resources are developing rapi.


Strategy direction of regional space of economic center construction at upper reaches of Yangtze River;


The eco-security in the upper reaches of Yangtze River plays an important and irreplaceable role in national security and economy.


Through analysis and comparison and on the spot investigation,the water and soil conservation s position in ecological construction in the upper reaches of Yangtze River, especially in Sichuan Province is described.

在分析水土流失对洪水、河道影响与洪灾形成的基础上 ,通过比较分析与实地考察 ,阐述了四川省域水土保持在长江上游生态建设中的地位 指出了长江上生态修复的重点区域 ,并就治理对策作了分析探
