
  • 翻译:髓心,木髓


1)pith,髓心,木髓2)pith,木髓3)pith,髓心4)pitch flock,木髓斑5)Pith,髓6)marrow,髓


Plant Regeneration from Bolting Stem Pith Protoplasts of Brassica napus;


Throngh the studies on form anatomy of annual natural, seminaturaland cultivated soybean, the authors find that the pith grows out of nothing and itsdevelopment accords with Zimmer mann s basipetal shift theory.

通过对一年生野生大豆、半野生大豆,栽培大豆的形态解剖学研究,结果发现髓的发育是从无到有的过程,它的发育是符合Zimmer mann的向基移位理论。

In this paper, the principle, methods and research achievements were reviewed; the influence of conditions of CT scan and reconstruction on wood CT values were studied; models of wood density and CT values were established; auto-detection for plantation Cunninghamia lanceolata logs using CT was carried out; the algorithms for auto-detection of pith, he

本文综述了CT技术检测木材的原理、方法及所取得的研究成果;研究了CT扫描条件和重建方法等因素对测定木材CT值的影响,探寻了适合木材CT扫描的相关参数;建立了木材及竹材密度与其CT值的数学模型;研发出利用CT技术自动检测人工林杉木原木髓、心边材边界及年轮数目和宽度的算法;开展了基于CT技术的竹材密度变异特征研究;并利用MicroCT技术检测了秋竹(Pleioblastus gozadakensis)、筇竹(Qiongzhuea tumidinoda)节部微观构造特征等。

Examples like "kidney stores essence", "kidney governs bone","bone is the house of marrow","kidney engenders marrow to derive liver" and "liver stores blood".


The soft pith forming the contents of the stem of a plant.


The pith in the stems or roots of certain plants.


Both the rubber and the pith ball are negatively charged.


South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet-acid pithy flesh.


If the borer has been properly located and drilled into the pith, a record of growth and age is obtainable for that position on the tree.


fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago.


Major Shairpe, much spruced up and wearing a pith helmet, arrived on the dot of nine.


A charged pith ball may be used as a test body to determine whether or not a second body is charged.


Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith yields sago.


Chinese historic building famous for its timber structure and the essence and marrow of timber structure is bucket arches.


The numbness in the lower limbs is likely related to it which is a complication of spinal cord injury.


This wine is made from the stamens of a hundred flowers and the sap of ten thousand trees mixed with the marrow of unicorns and fermented with phoenix milk


The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.


shows that of all types casparian strip exits in endodermis and evident pith does in young root; primary xylem is exarch and tetrarch;


The Experimental and the Related Clinical Study of Combination of Folium Cajani and Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Treatment for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head;


Effects of Injection Stauntoniae on Evoked Discharge of Wide Dynamic Range Neurons in Spinal Dorsal Horn of Rats


Consisting of or resembling pith.


Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.

松木是软木, 柚木是硬木.
