selection test

  • 翻译:选拔考试


1)selection test,选拔考试2)entrance exam institution,入学选拔考试3)applicant qualification test,应征选拔考试4)choose,选拔5)selection,选拔6)selecting,选拔7)election,选拔8)select,选拔9)psychological selection,心理选拔10)recruitment,人才选拔


As the link of junior middle school and senior middle school,the senior middle school en trance exam institution is different from university entrance exam institution in Japan,which can give us some reference for the reform on senior middle school entrance exam institution in our country.


The author gives the countermeasures by analysis of choosing the political cadres in the hospital: First, train and choose cadres from various department; Second, form the stable team; Third, train to elevate the ability of the cadres.

通过对医疗单位政治机关干部培养选拔现状分析 ,作者针对存在的问题提出以下对策 :1多源头培养选拔政治机关干部 ;2建设相对稳定的政治机关干部队伍 ;3加大内培外训力度 ,提高干部整体素

This work is important and strategic long-term measure to choose and cultivate the qualified builders and reliable successors for China s Communist Party great cause in future.


It is a must to persist in the principle that the party is in charge in of cadres, to deepen the reform of cadre system, to improve the way in which the party is in charge of cadres, to explore ways of improving leading cadres quality actively and to cultivate and choose outstanding and young cadres energetically.

加强干部队伍建设是实现党的任务的组织保证 ,是摆在全党面前的一项重大任务 ;必须坚持党管干部原则 ,深化干部制度改革 ,改进党管干部方法 ,积极探索提高领导干部素质的途径 ,大力培养和选拔优秀年轻干部 ,开创人才辈出、生机勃勃的干部工作新局面。

Thought on selection of graduates;


A survey of the head nurse’s selection and cultivation;


Qualifications and selection and training of cadres of class & league committee in normal schools;


Briefly on selecting and training of middle-ranking cadres at colleges and universities;


Inquiry into Selecting and Appointing Leading Cadres of the Party and Government;


At present the main problems of management of reserve cader existed in enterprise are undeterminate aim and plan,unreasonable selecting process,unsound management system and disengaging between trainning and using.


The university students basketball referee s psychology selects the research;


The Investigative Report by Questionnaire on the Interviewing Situation for the Open Select the Leadership of Communist Party in Ningxia;


The Legal Professionals from the National Examination——A brief survey of model of training and selecting the legalprofessionals in Germany;


Objective To establish the procedures and contents of psychological selection of astronauts basing on studies of distinctions of psychological qualities of different sexes in different positions.


Objective To confirm the elements of psychological selection for army nurses under emergency situation.


The application of competence model in advanced medical talent recruitment;


Competency Model and Its Application in Recruitment;

