snow melting

  • 翻译:雪融


1)snow melting,雪融2)snow melting water,冰雪融水3)snowmelt,积雪融化4)snow-thawing,冰雪融化5)Snow melt period,冰雪融冻期6)snow and ice melting agent,冰雪融化剂


Hence,the study on the characteristics of deuterium excess parameter about snow melting water,surface water and groundwater in Heihe drainage area will help to reveal the interrelation and interreaction with precipitation,sn.


The results show that snowmelt coincided basically with air temperature variation on the glacier basin from June 18 to 30.

2005年使用花杆法在小冬克玛底冰川上进行了两轮积雪融化观测,结果显示:6月中、下旬,冰川区积雪消融基本与气温同步变化,但到7月上旬积雪消融发生了变化:其融化时间提前了2 h,在12:00融化量就达到一定高度;融化量大,日平均融化量较6月中下旬大0。

Calcium Magnesium Acetate(CMA) was kprepared as snow and ice melting agent and tested for ice-melting in small scale, and compared with sodium chloride and calcium chloride.

本文制备了醋酸钙美(CMA) 冰雪融化剂并在实验室小试了其融冰能力,并与氯化钠和氰化钙进行了比较。
