Effect of stimulus intensity on auditory event-related potentials evoked by tone and speech;
Normative data of disyllabic Mandarin speech test materials for normally hearing people;
Analysis of the Hearing Aids and Speech Development of 113 Children with Hearing Loss;
Dialectic Relationship between Language and Speech in Audiovisual Multimedia Teaching of Foreign Languages;
Restressing the Language Cultivation of Medical Staff;
In this paper,we try to look into the misleading inference of the language in advertising and argue that prototype-based metonymic mapping is likely to lead to the discrepancy between text-based impressions and the reality.
The more recognizion to Saussure s theory on Langue and parole;
Discrepancies Between langue and parole and Their Implications to FL Teaching and Learning;
Methodology is one of the important issues in studying lexicology,and most important of all,one of them concerning methodology is the distinction between langue and parole,for the distinction serves as a methodological principle in modern linguistics.
On the General and Inpidual Features in Weijin Scholars Spoken Language;
He holds writers should pay attention to every aspect of language use in creation,interchange written language with spoken language if necessary and create a mode with spoken language.
An effective way of teaching Chinese is to use b eautiful and vivid spoken language,body language,imagination and association as well as multimedia to lead students to experience authors emotions.
语文课教学中运用美化的言语、体态语、想像和联想、多媒体等 ,引导学生体验作品情感 ,能收到良好的教学效
But few have studied her from the angle of her utterance.
中外已有许多学者从多种角度对丹尼尔·笛福的小说《摩尔·弗兰德斯》的主人公摩尔·弗兰德斯进行了比较深入的研究 ,但很少从言语的角度对她进行探讨。
There exist taboos on intercultural communications,such as taboos on person s names,inauspicious words and religion terms in utterances,and taboos on social contact,food and drink,etc.
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comparatively systematic approach to case study of Chinese utterance politeness.