Model of privacy protection in location-based services;
Design of 3G mobile application platform for location based service based on J2ME;
This paper introduces the interface design of hardware and software based on mobile position information service and describes, e g.
概要介绍了基于GSM/GPRS-GPS移动位置信息服务平台接口的软硬件设计,以Motorola G18模块为 例,重点介绍了基于NMEA-0183协议的GPS数据接口技术和基于GSM的TEXT和PDU模式下的短消息 和GPRS通讯接口技术。
LBS are inpidually expanding into popular application from trade customers in China.
Location based services (LBS) represent an important new revenue source for wireless carriers, and a way to differentiate themselves and stay competitive.
论文以“基于LBS的无线定位应用解决方案研究”为题,研究了LBS的关键技术和多个国内外先进的无线定位解决方案,并以上海蓝芯移动资源管理系统为实例,对本文提出的无线定位解决方案进行了比较全面的论证,概括起来,论文主要涉及以下内容: 首先论文分析了地理信息系统的起源和发展,阐述了其向网络化、服务发展的趋势,以及由此衍生出移动位置服务LBS的过程。