organ of power

  • 翻译:权力机关,权力机构


1)organ of power,权力机关;权力机构2)organ of state power,权力机关3)organ of power,权力机关4)self government organizations,权力机构5)institutional power,机构性权力6)local organs of state power,国家权力机关


The organ of state power in our country is the National People s Congress and the People s Congress of different levels.


In terms of the relationship between abstract administrative activity and specific administrative activity and in terms of the duties of organ of power,it is very necessary for organ of power to recall specific administrative activity.

从抽象行政行为和具体行政行为二者的关系及权力机关的职能诸方面看 ,权力机关撤销具体行政行为十分必要 ,撤销具体行政行为的原则方法必须适

In the early years of the Republic of China,after the impact of the revolution in 1911,local self government organizations in the countryside of Guangdong Province,including police offices,administrative offices and civil corps,began to be restored or rebuilt,and the civil corps was relatively more important than the others.

民国初年 ,受到辛亥革命冲击的广东乡村基层权力机构以各种方式恢复和重建。

In the present study, the linguistic feature of turn-taking and its dialectical relations with institutional power of t.

在吸取Norm Fairclough为代表的批评性语篇分析专家对话语权势的基本观点的基础上,本文采用会话分析的方法,通过对语料进行定性和定量的分析,探讨电视谈话节目(脱口秀节目)中机构性权力的表现方式,它和语言现象之间的辨证关系以及从机构和社会语境来分析为什么电视谈话节目中的机构性权力会呈现出本文分析结果所展示的形式。

The core of this study is the generation of an adaptation model of turn-taking analysis and a detailed analysis of the influence of institutional power on turn-taking in radio talk shows.

本论文以Jef Verschueren的顺应理论为基础,从语用学的角度分析了主持人与嘉宾在话轮的开启阶段、展开阶段、及终结阶段如何利用话轮转换来实现他们对各自机构性权力的顺应,以及机构性权力对广播谈话中话轮转换的影响。

The practical route of local organs of state power promoting the construction of regional economy;


(15) To exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise.


To exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise.


Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities.


In short, it was the sovereign power in the gens.


On Supervision of Extrabudgetary Funds by State Authorities;


On the Historic Mementoes of CCP under the Supervision of the People s Congress;


The ethnic minorities' right to be represented in the highest organ of state power as well as in local organs of power at various levels has been continuously and specially guaranteed.


Reflections on the Administrative Legal Supervision to the Organs of State Power;


On Fulfillment of Power to Decide Major Matters of Local Organizations;


With the collapse of the power of the landlords, the peasant associations have now become the sole organs of authority and the popular slogan "All power to the peasant associations" has become a reality.


These organs changed from the auxiliary body of the highest organ of state power to the independent organs.


The State Power Organs Supervise the Administration Organs under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China


The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power.


The local people's congress is the local organ of state power.


The Council of Ministers is the real power in the EEC.


The enabled body may not re-delegate its authority to any other body.


The Key to Avoid Tossing Control of Power is to Perfect the Executive Power Implementation;


The Theory of Special Power Relationship and Civil Rights Protection System;

