
Egg dumpling stuffed with minced pork

Egg dumpling stuffed with minced pork

  • 翻译:肉蛋饺


1)Egg dumpling stuffed with minced pork,肉蛋饺2)muscle protein,肌肉蛋白3)fish protein,鱼肉蛋白4)beef protein,牛肉蛋白5)chicken protein,鸡肉蛋白6)non-meat proteins,肉蛋白7)pork protein,猪肉蛋白8)non meat proteins,非肉蛋白9)meat & egg,肉蛋类10)venison protein,鹿肉蛋白


Changes of silver carp muscle proteins during chilled storage;


The changes of rheology,texture and color of minced pork after the cooking respectively in water bath,retort and microwave were tested,based on which the effects of muscle protein and transglutaminase(MTGase) contents on the gel properties of minced pork were then investigated.


Mechanism of the enzymolysis of muscle proteins from Harengula Zunasi Bleeker by compound enzyme that obtainedfrom mixture with papain and flavorease was studied.

本文研究了海水鱼青鳞鱼(Harengula Zunasi Bleeker)肌肉蛋白由木瓜蛋白酶和风味酶复合而成的复合酶水解机制。

The mechanisms and the progresses of fish protein frozen denaturation and cryoprotective effects of fish protein by sugars,salts,dairy ingredients and protein or chitin hydrolysates are reviewed.


Amino acids production by using fish protein not only has economic benefits,but also provides technical support for efficient biomass use.


Effect of heating treatment on the properties of enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken protein;


Study on the bittering of chicken protein by the enzymatic hydrolysis;


Study on enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken protein and antioxidant activities of its hydrolysate;


Use of transglutaminase and non-meat proteins in the processing of restructured mutton rolls;


Four groups and thirty six treatments were designed to test the effects of transglutaminase(TG)and non meat proteins(NMP)on the texture characteristics and cooking loss of minced pork products.

以猪肉为原料 ,根据中心复合旋转试验设计原理 ,采用响应曲面法研究转谷氨酰胺酶及非肉蛋白对肉制品质构性能的影响。

The year 2000 production and sale of meat & egg in China are summarized.

本文概括了 2 0 0 0年肉蛋类商品的产销状况 ,着重分析了 2 0 0 1年肉蛋类商品产销的发展趋

Study on activity of venison protein hydrolysates;

