
separation of powers

separation of powers

  • 翻译:三权分立(立法、行政、司法),分权而立,分权


1)separation of powers,三权分立(立法、行政、司法);分权而立;分权2)legislation pision,立法分权3)separation of powers,三权分立4)separation of three powers,三权分立5)separation of the three powers,三权分立6)Seperation of Three Powers,三权分立


An empirical legal study on the legislation pision between the central government and autonomous minority regions


Montesquieu on The Spirit of the Laws widely known "separation of powers" theory is actually only its "shape" and the "Adaptation" and "protest" the spirit of both the law constitutes the "suitability" of the spirit of t.


"Separation of powers" just is a tool of supervisor.


Montesquieu’s separation of powers doctrine(separation of the legislative,executive and judicial powers) originates from Walker’s separation of powers theory.


Under American system of the separation of three powers,the power of each part of the federal government does not maintain unchanged from the start to the end,but readjust and change incessantly.


The theory of separation of three powers is the basic principle of organizing state political power in the western capitalist countries.


Path one is to distinguish the system of NPC and structure of Separation of Three Powers, and to draw lessons from power s check and balance mechanism; Path two is to deal with the relations of Rule of Law and Rule by Law, party s leadership and the play of NPC role well, and to combine them into a whole, and to push f.

文章探讨了坚持和完善人民代表大会制度的思路与途径 :一是要弄清它同三权分立政治体制的本质区别 ,适当借鉴其权力监督制约机制 ;二是要处理好法治与人治 ,党的领导与发挥人民代表大会最高权力机关的作用的关系 ,把党的领导、人民当家作主与依法治国相结合 ,推进党的领导体制和执政方式的转变 ;三是要改革和完善人民代表大会的选举制度和组织结构 ,更好地发挥其国家权力机关的作用。

On Traditional Separation of the Three Powers and Development of Modern Administrative Law;


American Constitution sets up the political system of separation of the three powers which balance effectively.


Separation of the three powers is the cornerstone of the constitutional system in America,and judicial powers is an important implement which matches legislature and administration,for its relative independent and the power of unconstitutional investigation.


Mr Sun Yatsen created Five Powers Charter,which had been the climax in law field in contemporary China,which originated from the Seperation of Three Powers in western countries and chinese ancient Two Powers.


An empirical legal study on the legislation pision between the central government and autonomous minority regions


Taxation is no part of the governing or legislative power.


Legislative Conception of the Co-ownership Part of Condominium;


A Comparative Study of the Doctrines of "Division of Power" and "Five-power Constitution";


Constitution of Five Powers of Sun Yat-sen and Separation of Powers;


Moral Right in a Sad Plight-A Comparative Study of Copyright Legislation in Civil Law and Common Law;


Selection of the Legislative Mode of Personality Right--Analysis of the Present Legislation and the Construction of the Future Legislation;


The Sufficiency of Rights Remedial Power of Request and Compensation Legislation of State;


The Judicial Insurance of "the Separation of the Three Powers" on Citizen Right;


On the Separation of Constitution Power from Legislative Power and Its Value;


Discrimination Theory of the Real Right and the Creditor s Rights;


Generally, law-making power is assigned to the legislature, law-enforcing power to the executive, and law-deciding power to the judiciary.


A Legal Analysis on the Power and Responsibility of the Principal of the Public Middle-Primary School in China;


Law on the Legislation of Private International Law;


An Analysis of Development of Administrative Law and the Science of Administrative Law of China in the New Century--The View of Legislative Policy Study on Separation of Powers and Centralization of Powers;


The legislative power should not only be separated from the executive power, but it should be pided in itself, by instituting two branches of the legislature.


The Internal Restricts on the Legislative Power: An Approach of Differentiating Law and Legislation;


separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers (

