swivel sash

  • 翻译:转窗


1)swivel sash,转窗2)pivoted window,rotating sector,旋转窗3)swivel sash,旋转窗扇4)pivoted window,旋转窗5)vertical pivoting window,竖轴转窗6)horizontal pivoted window,平悬转窗7)vertical pivot window,立悬转窗8)revolving window,旋转窗9)casement turnover window,平开翻转窗


In order to meet the requirements of modern health residence to improve the indoor air quality based upon advantages and disadvantages analysis of traditional open ways of windows a new safe energy saving window–casement turnover window is proposed which is well accepted by construction enterprises.

为适应现代健康住宅的建筑要求 ,改善人居住宅内空气质量 ,结合原有住宅窗户开启方式优缺点 ,提出了一种新型安全的节能窗———平开翻转窗 ,得到了国内门窗建筑企业的一致认可。
