
effective crack length

effective crack length

  • 翻译:有效裂隙长度


1)effective crack length,有效裂隙长度2)crack length,裂隙长度3)effective crack length,有效裂缝长度4)efficient crack length,有效裂纹长度5)critical effective crack length,临界有效裂缝长度6)effective fracture process zone length,有效断裂过程区长度


Through the three-point bending test on 50 specimens of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete (SFHSC) with the size of 100 mm×100 mm×515 mm, the effect of the fiber volume fraction (ρf) upon the effective crack length (al) fracture toughness (KⅠc) and critical crack opening displacement (δc) of high strength concrete (HSC) was studied.


With Young\'s modulus and the stress at the effective crack tip as two only prerequisites, the model can predict the maximum load and its corresponding effective crack length, and in turn the fracture toughness of concrete specimen under compact tension.


And the fracture parameters such as efficient crack length(aeff),critical stress intensity factor(KsIC) and crack tip open displacement(CTOD) were obtained through theoretical calculation.

通过对带有切口的砂浆试样进行三点弯曲试验测试,得到了掺量为0—18%的SBR(styrene-butadiene rubber,简称SBR)乳液改性水泥砂浆荷载-变形曲线及相应裂缝嘴张开位移(CMOD),并通过理论计算得到了不同掺量下改性水泥砂浆的有效裂纹长度(aeff)、临界应力强度因子(KsIC)及裂纹尖端张开位移(CTOD)等断裂特征参数。

According to the double K fracture criterion,the critical effective crack length ac and stress intensity factors ofⅠ-Ⅱ mixed-mode fracture specimens are calculated based on the data of the experiment done before and the data of present numerical simulation experiment.


From the data of concrete fracture tests in china recently,fracture toughness KⅠc calculated with the critical effective crack length ac is not size-independent.

