disk agitator

  • 翻译:圆盘搅拌器


1)disk agitator,圆盘搅拌器2)disk stirrer,圆盘搅拌器3)disc,圆盘4)disk,圆盘5)circular disk,圆盘6)disbributor disk,圆盘7)round plate,圆盘8)disk body,圆盘9)circular disc,圆盘10)circle shear blade,圆盘剪刃


A New Calculation Method for Steady - state Temperature between a Stationary Pin and a Rotating Disc;


This is an analysis as well as a discussion of the CD-filter system imported from Ahlstrom company of Finland in respect of thestructure of the system, its properties, features, operation and the factors that have effect on filtering and washing efficiency.


As for time-lag system,the condition for the particular feature(for example disc)is also presented.

针对存在参数不确定性及非线性扰动、传感器或执行器可能失效的一类系统,给出了利用输出反馈使系统能保持渐近稳定的充分条件,并以线性矩阵不等式(LM I)的形式给出,再进一步推广到时滞系统的稳定性问题,以及使系统保持预定特性(圆盘)的充分条件。

Symmetrical Disk s Electric Field with Electricity in Adaxial Area;


New nonlinear fractal compression algorithm based on disk rotation;


In this paper, experimental solution for circular disk subjected to diametral compression is obtained using experimental method of the electrical analogy.

本文用该法求得了对径受压圆盘的实验解 ,与圆盘理论解基本吻

An axisymmetrical SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) model in cylindrical coordinates is proposed to study hydrodynamic problems associated with a circular disk vertically entering water.

在传统光滑质点水动力学(SPH:Smoothed particle hydrodynamics)方法的基础上推导了柱坐标下的 SPH 形式控制方程,并用于圆盘垂直入水问题的研究。
