Brassica oleracea

  • 翻译:芸苔


1)Brassica oleracea,芸苔2)Brassinolide(BR),芸苔素(BR)3)brassinolide,芸苔素4)Brassica,芸苔属5)Brassica type,芸苔型6)Brassiceae,芸苔族


The brassinolide used in fast growth period could decrease the wild fire disease index and content of chlorine in tobacco leaves,and im.


Peanut seeds were soaked in brassinolide, the decomposition of fat and protein in peanut seeds was promoted , the content of fatty acids in germinative peanut-seeds and amino acids in peanut seedlings increased, the vigor of peanut seedlings roots enhanced and consequently, the germination rate of peanut seeds and the growth of peanut seedlings were promoted.

芸苔素 (简称BR)浸种能促进花生种子内脂肪和蛋白质的降解 ,提高萌发种子的脂肪酸含量和幼苗的氨基酸含量及主根根活力 ,从而促进了花生出苗和幼苗生长。

Progress in Study on Genetic Mechanism of Self-incompatibilty in Brassica;


Progress in Study on Cell Signal Transduction of Self-incompatibility in Brassica;


Seed Deterioration in Several Brassica Vegetative Species and Their Fluorescent Leakage——Ⅰ.Degree of Seed Deterioration and Their Fluorescent leakage;


Brassica pekinensis has an epigaeous seedling, and there is a xylem in the low part of Cotyledon node zone, and the mesarch and diarch hoplostele which is sunken in the middle part is termed Brassica type in this paper.


The authors apllied the image analysis for the first time in the study of the karyotype of 13 species of Brassiceae.

