formation meter

  • 翻译:匀度测定仪


1)formation meter,匀度测定仪2)formation tester,匀度测定仪3)AutoForm formation tester,AutoForm匀度测定仪4)Evenometer,光电式均匀度测定仪5)lap evenness tester,lap meter,棉卷均匀度测定仪6)yarn evenness tester,纱线均匀度测定仪7)formation,匀度8)uniformity,匀度9)evenness,匀度10)eveness,匀度


The dispersion characteristics of PBO fiber, PBO pulp, Kevlar fiber and AKZO pulp were investigated in this paper by image analyzer, Zeta potential and formation analyzers.


The performance targets before and after the application of Duoshake,such as the paper formation,tensile strength,extensibility,MD/CD strength difference and two-sidedness are compared and the influence of Duoshake on sheet properties is discussed.


The formation of the PBO paper was greatly increased and the strength properties were also improved after oxygen plasma treatment.


As a result, paper's uniformity improve evidently , consequently , the tensile index and tear index of Aramid 1313 Paper increase as well.


The principles and the system structure of a detector used for the detection of the uniformity of paper thickness are discussed.

介绍了纸张匀度测试仪的基本原理及系统构成 ,分析了纸张匀度测试仪的硬件设计及软件实

Flock uniformity of flank of fine wool sheep were analyzed under two breeding methods including grazing and breeding in shed.


In this paper,the raw silk evenness testing apparatus's controller's principle, hardware structure,and it's software are introduced,as well as it's testing mathed.


It is suggested that an additional certificate should be added to the present raw silk test, in which the raw silk eveness and neatness are judged by average CV%, CV%deviaton, CV%max, CV%min, big nap, medium nap and small na

简要介绍了乌斯特仪的工作原理 ,并利用乌斯特仪对一批生丝进行了检验 ,提出在目前生丝检验的出证中 ,添加一个附加检验证书 ,用平均CV %、CV %偏差、CV % max 、CV % min 、大、中、小等 7个指标来衡量生丝匀度、洁净成
