
  • 翻译:运货飞机


1)aerovan,运货飞机2)airfreighter,运货飞机3)rapid freight car,快运货车4)marine goods flow,海运货流5)source and volume of goods of water transport,水运货流6)freight number 5,运货五7)Distribution management,运货管理8)Working Goods,营运货物9)Air Freight Forwarder,空运货代10)Shipping Goods,海运货物


The present operation conditions of rapid and high speed freight cars abroad are analyzed; The development in the aspect of rapid freight cars and bogies in Meishan Rolling Stock Works is mainly described; The development of rapid freight cars in the future is prospected; The conception of design of high speed freight car bogies in the future is put forward.

分析了国外快速和高速货车运用现状 ,着重介绍眉山车辆厂在快速货车及转向架方面的开发情况 ,展望快运货车未来发展 ,提出未来高速货车转向架的设计构

Furthermore,it analyzes and calculates reasonably the be and factors which may affect the development of the regional ports and wharfs,such as channels and rivers,comprehemsive transport network, source and volume of goods of water transport and economic development.


The Research on the Transfer of Ownership of Shipping Goods;

