
collapsible drum coiler

collapsible drum coiler

  • 翻译:涨缩卷筒式卷取机


1)collapsible drum coiler,涨缩卷筒式卷取机2)collapsible winder,涨缩卷筒式卷取机3)expanding-collapsing cylinder,涨缩缸4)dimension swelling and contracting,尺寸涨缩5)collapsible drum,涨缩卷筒6)mandrel expanding-collapsing cylinder,卷筒涨缩缸7)rises shrinks the cylinder,涨缩液压缸8)collapsible tube,可涨缩筒管9)salt lake water rising and shrinking types,盐湖水涨缩型区10)the reel expanding cylinder,卷筒涨缩液压缸


The evaluation of quenching medium characteristies and the influence of operating temperature on the dimension swelling and contracting and deformation were introdced,the effects of quenching medium characteristics and operating temperature during the heat-treatment of bearing parts were showed,so that the evedence was given for selecting quenching medium and reducing finishing allowance of parts.


This article is intended for brief introduction structure of mandrel in the coiler of AnShan Steel 1780 mm temper mill, a new type of calculation method on mandrel radial pressure and calculation on diameter of mandrel expanding-collapsing cylinder.


A method of determining the parameters of the reel expanding cylinder;

