
hood type steam washer

hood type steam washer

  • 翻译:罩式洗汽器


1)hood type steam washer,罩式洗汽器2)hood-type steam washer,罩式洗汽器3)bell jar type,钟罩式4)batch annealing,罩式退火5)Bell Type Furnace,罩式炉6)bell-type furnace,罩式炉7)bell annealing furnace,罩式炉8)bell type,钟罩式9)shadow mask PDP,荫罩式PDP10)bell furnace,罩式炉


The structure and principle of a new type of the multiple induction furnace heater with bell jar type was introduced.


Based upon introduction of the application history of bell jar type floor drain in our country the questions existed in practice are analyzed.


Imitation Test of Batch Annealing and Continuous Annealing Recrystallizing of Interstitial Free Steel;


This paper describes the application of PLC in HPH batch annealing system.

概述了HPH罩式退火炉应用情况,介绍了全氢罩式炉的生产工艺过程及其控制系统功能、特点,同时对LO I公司的HPH罩式炉控制系统在实际中出现的问题进行了阐述,并介绍了其改进方法及改造后的控制系统和效果。

The structure and texture of continuous or batch annealing deep drawing and extra-deep drawing steel sheets were observed and analyzed.


A numerical method is developed to study the protect gas flow field in bell-type furnace by using moving grids.


The Gas-fired HICON/H2(?)bell-type fumace practically is not only different in hydrogen atmosphere or admixture atmosphere, but also The Gas-fired HICON/H2(?)bell-type furnace takes some new technology such as convection.

全氢型保护气体单垛式紧卷罩式炉,实际上不单纯只是采用全氢而与氢氮保护气体相区别,而同时这种全氢型罩式炉在设备和工艺上还采取了强对流等相应的技术措施,以适应于全氢保护气体新技术的发展, 从而建成了以提高退火产量和质量为目的的新一代全氢型保护气体单垛式紧卷罩式炉。

After low carbon aluminum-killed steel was annealed in the bell annealing furnace,the filiform blackening surface of the cold-rolled steel sheet was investigated,and its micro-morphology,elemental composition,structure and generation mechanism was analyzed and discussed.


The structure and operating principle for two kinds of new type removable bell type induction heating furnace have been described.


In the article a new bell type electrical melting furnace was introduced.

本文通过对一座新型钟罩式电熔坩锅窑的介绍,其既有电熔窑炉的熔化质量好,易于控制的优点, 也有坩锅窑换料方便,更换炉衬等优势,是一种很好结合两种的新型窑炉,本文介绍了其窑炉结构和特点, 并详细介绍了工作状况和各种工艺,最后还总结了窑炉的不足点。

A novel high efficient combined discharge driving waveform for three electrodes shadow mask PDP structures was submitted in this paper.

